Diet Advice and Tips


Pcod weight loss

I have pcod and i want to cure it. From last 1 month i am consistently working out in gym for 6 days a week, maintaing healthy diet plan After all this hard work i am only able to loose 0.5kg. Please suggest me some remedies or supplements which will help me in weight loss also help me in regularise my periods.
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Weight loss pcod

I am going gym regularly from one month Following diet which my trainer gave me Still i haven't lost even 1kg in one month. I have pcod. Please suggest me what to do in this kind of situation as i am consistently working out and Following diet still not seeing any results. Please suggest.
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Magnesium deficiency

What is the supplement to cover magnesium deficiency?? For pure vegetarian.. Medicines?? Food?? Suggest for fast recovery
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Severe Vitamin Deficiency

I recently took a blood test and the Vitamin D 25 OH level is - 5.6 ng/ml. I checked online and it stated this is categorized as sebere deficiency. How should I proceed to bring it back up at optimum level.
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Fat accumulate In mid section

Hi, I'm 23 and really concerned about my uneven fat distribution on my overall body. I have really thin arms and legs while fatty middle part since childhood, I weigh 85Kgs and all of my fat is just present in my belly, chest and mid section only but very less muscle mass. How can I overcome this and what are the DOs and DONTs?
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Diet for weight gain

My weight stuck at 39kg... I don't have thyroid issues... I don't have any other health issues.. I need diet for weight gain
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Post c section diet

Can u give me Indian Post (10 days) c section diet chart what to eat and what to avoid , how to increase milk supply
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Morning with Tea

Hi, My father is in the early stages of sugar. He wants to have something with tea in the morning because he eats BP tablets in the morning. Can someone suggest what he can have
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Weight gain concern

I am 28 years old, and my weight is around 45 kgs.I feel dizzy and weak. Can anyone please suggest to me protein for weight gain or any other medicine for appetite. Thank you
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How to gain weight fast

I am 5.6 and my weight is 62 and I look very skinny what can I do put on weight My face looks very sunken
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