Hormonal Imbalances


About my reports

Hello sir?/maam...i want to know whether my reports are normal or not?? My husband is saying I'm having sugar and saying me to start the tablet.. Plz say is it normal🙏
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T3 Higher than it should be for a long time and showing multiple symptoms of hyperthyroidism should i start any medication atm because i am unable to find a doctor
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Metformin related

Can metformin once started , be stopped after Normal hba1c , My report Hba1c 7.4 FBS 140 Ppbs 230 My doc prescribed metformin please tell
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Present diabetic and insulin resistance

Hi Team I Lakshmikanth age 40 and I tested HBA1C range 5.7 Estimate average glucose 116.89 Vitamin b12 range 255 Lipid profile TGL 248 and HDL 36 Glucose fasting 79 Insulin fasting 33.96 HOMA IR 4.05 Please suggest if any medicine for above
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About reports

Hello sir/maam I want to about my  sugar test reports before anf after food... Whether it is normal or not plz tell me🙏
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Sugar level

I have checked my sugar,it comes to After fasting 113 it is normal? kindly suggest any medicine need
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My HbA1c is 6.0 in fasting and FBS-95

Hello Doc I am 35years old and my weight is 90kg and using hypertension tab telvas ct 40. Today I got a sugar test done and the values are as follows. HBa1c- 6.0 this is done after 12 hours fasting FBS-95 Post -105 Please suggest is it pre diabetis? What measures should I take further. 6 months back HbA1c was 5.7 One year back it was 5.5 2years back it was - 5.9 Please suggest if I need to start any medication. Suggest any diet plan to reverse it.
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TSH value 10, t3 and t4 normal

My mother is diabetic and one year back placed one stent in heart. In the recent tests her TSH value is 10, t3 and t4 are normal. Hba1c is 10.FBS is 230.In CBP her hematocrit is 35.4%, RDW is 15%.Lipid profile is normal.Uric acid is normal.She is having joint pains and sudden heart beat increasing.Please suggest medication. Tablets she is taking now Glimisave m1  1-0-0 Brilinta 60  1-0-1 Ecosprin 75 0-1-0 Glycomet 500   0- 1/2- 1/2 Rosuvas 10- 0-0-1
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Diabetes and Depression related problem

My mother is suffering from diabetes and depression related problem. My mother is taking Telma CT 80/12.5 as blood pressure medicine and Ondero 5 mg as sugar medicine . At night she is taking zolfresh 10 due to her insomnia problem . She is also facing problem of retention of urine and swelling when trying to do latrine and loose motion problem is also there. What is the remedy for these problems ?
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Type 2 diabetic since 14 years,

Now facing so many problem in my body pains, low eye vision , anxiety , digestion problems . please give my good advise to maintain my blood sugar level and healthy life enjoy is possible or not ?
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