Skin, Hair and Nail Problems


Hairfall and dandruff, pimples

I am suffering with oily scalp with dandruff,heavy hairfall since 2017,And pimples on face and whole body. Which type of tests are required for these symptoms.
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Hair fall in eyebrows

Hello I am facing a hairfall in my eyebrows while washing my face Although growth is ok. Please suggest something or which test I go for this problem?
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Armpit lump not going

I have tiny lump in right armpit since 3 months. Size little increased or spread in size. Visited to doctor several times. They said its nothing ignore it. In between its was swelling and painful size also increased. After taking antibiotics now ok. But my concern is its not going away totally. Breast usg also done report normal. What it is?
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Hair growth oil

Can somebody suggest good rosemary oil for hair growth? Please advise. So that I can use it regularly
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I have this brownish colour on my finger

I have this brownish colour on my thumb finger in left leg and index finger on my right hand what could it be please help me photo attached for reference
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Razor bump rashes

I shave pretty often, recently I have developed razor bumps on my skin. Mostly in my thighs and back of the thighs. What medicine can I use to cure them?
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Back acne and folliculitis

Hi I have been using benzac ac gel wash and clindamycin phosphatase solution for back acne from last week and it feels dryness and ichty so is it safe to use aloe vera gel on that or will clog the pores
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Strawberry legs

Hi I have strawberry legs so is it safe to use benzoyl peroxide on that what are the effects of it will that spot becomes much lighter or there is no effect of this Is it safe to use on strawberry legs
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Dry patch in hand

I have a dry patch in my hand since a week. It is not itchy. I am not sure if it was small and has spread to a big area now. I have attached images. Kindly advise
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Small brown spots

I have back acne at the back from some time now and i noticed very small brown round shaped patch on the arm 2-3 . I had Cbc 2 months back report was normal . Why this . When touching feels nothing only i can see it
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