Kidney Problems


Right kidney is small in size

Right kidney is small in size and shows lobulated contour with areas of cortical scarring and increased renal cortical
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Regarding urine report

Should I be worried about this report either I need any treatment or medicine to reduce pus cells and amorphous phosphate.
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Pain while urinating

From the last two weeks, I am having a slight kind of pain while urinating. I thought maybe it's some eating issue , but it didn't solve even after changing diet. Pls help
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UTI  line of treatm n any oth rep needed

Where to upload reports etc before online consultation and previous history of the patient and also prescription of other doctors
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Pain while urinating

Hello, I am feeling sharp pain when passing urine but it happens only for a few seconds. It started today only. Is this a symptom of UTI.
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Burning sensation

Burning sensation while peeing and ejaculating. Sometimes ok but most of the times it happens Foul smell sometimes.
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Medication needed

Suffering through painful urination for past 2days. She has increased water intake and consuming less salt in food. Cannot afford consultation right now. Please help doctors Thank you in advance.
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Creatinine 1.18

I have observed my creatinine level always stay between 1.1 - 1.2 (lab range- 0.7-1.3 mg/dl). Here is the creatinine values - 1.1 (Feb, 2021), 1.0 (2022), 1.2 (April, 2024) , 1.18 (July, 2024). USG is normal, Urea level always stay normal, Routine urin analysis also normal. Uric acid always stay at border level 6.9-7. I am worried about creatinine level. Is it something to be worried?? Or its normal??
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KINDEY stone no medicine in allopathy

Dear Urologist Doctors, I have consulted many urologist in Hyderabad and practo but everyone says to consume potasium Citrate 10ml in water supriesgly , not prescribing any  antobotic or no tablet in allopathy medicne for kidney stones to break or/ for  size reduction medicine in allopathy.. Just after my mutiple consultations with every doctor they told to take CT KFT test but they are saying no medicine tablet. My  Utra sound report I can see size and postion of stones also. Only ayveridc/ herbal they are himalya cystone, Amil neeri tablets supriesgly a growth in allopathy no medicine discover for removal of stone instead of pain killers. I want to ro finaly, request doctor to remove the secret part as many user wating this message. There is any  medicine/tablet name which direclty attacks to stone either it was uric acid / calcium oxlate any stone 🪨 any medicine is there ?
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Smelly pants

I don't leak urine. But my pants smell very strange(weird urine smell) after I pee 2-3 times. This doesn't happen daily. But it occurs 10-15 days in a month. Also I have persistent rash on my inner thighs.
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