Stomach Problems & Remedies


Mild hepatomegaly

Focal fatty infiltration along the ligamentum teres meaning with mild hepatomegaly 16.5 cm in ap dimension is that dangerous as my sgpt and sgot are within range and lipid profile is normal. My weight is 74 kg and height is 6*1
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Pain that goes to my throat

I get a pain that travels to my throat from middle of my chest . When I burp it can ease . It does not happen daily just occasionally. I suffer IBS so not sure if it coming stomach issue or blood pressure ? I am just not sure it could be something totally different . Any advise would be appreciated . Thanks
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Food pipe chocked

I feel choked when I eating, I fell pass the food my food pipe , and so many gass passes now I take live 52Ds syrup
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Tightness in stomach whenever I sit

Whenever I sit my stomach get tight but when I sleep and in standing position I feel nothing and I have a mild hepatomegaly 16.5 but my sgot and sgpt is normal so I don't know what to do
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Stomach issue and anxiety

I have bloating,shortness of breath,anxiety and had panic attacks and sometimes sharp pain below breast area. What could it be?
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Piles issue

Piles issued me some good medication and cream cure, I have consulted local physicians but it's effective as I want
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How much dose of Smuth suspension I should take for constipation,I am 69 of age, until now I was talking 4 tab of Triphala
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Gastric problem

Can one face gastric problem after gym workout(weight lifting, dumbell exercise etc  of my caliber). I am not following any extra deight routine not taking protein powder and I  am vegetarian ...takes sprout and normal daily life food.
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Burning sensation and nauseous feeling.

I have stomach bloating and fatigue for several months. At times leaky gut and feel like my stomach is full. Low appetite.
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Bloating and stomach issue

Sir i am feeling bloated and passing gas since last 10 days, recently i started eating more ptotein rich food,what can be the reason
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