

Bad health

I have pain while urinating...please tell what is the reason behind this problem...your advice will surely helpful
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Unable to gain weight, losing it instead

I have been losing weight consistently without any changes in lifestyle or diet. I weighed 54-55kg last year, now I weigh 49kg. Lost around 5kg in a year. I believe I also increased food and calorie intake from last six months with no improvement in my weight. I got full body comprehensive check up done, reports came back almost normal with just vitamin B12 deficiency. One remark in CBP was "Predominantly normocytic normochromic with ovalocytes." Medical history - One persistent issue is upset stomach whenever I eat anything from restaurants. I have also been having gut issues last few years like bloating and excessive burping after meals.
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Regarding report

Hi doctor. Please, my report means any type of cancer. I'm very worried. I m nit able to understand the high and low markers
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Doctor diagnosis pemphigus..what is that

Doctor diagnosis pemphigus..what is that?? Doctor giving dexamethasone 18 mg in infusion addition to NS and RL ..is correct ??
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Last 5 days there is no hungery .

Last 5 days there is no hungery. Stomach upset . One time vomit. Pls guide us food and fasting or medicine
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Baby tummy looks big

Dear doctor ,pls check this ,my baby is 27 days old an from 2 weeks he is having big blotated stomach ,He is passing motion an urine out put is good ,He takes breast milk so well ,His birth weight is 2.1 and now his weight is 2.8 ,we took him to doctor yesterday an doctor gave colic an asked to take x-ray of the stomach an after looking at the x-ray ,he said baby stomach is full of gas ,Can anyone tell what causes this an when this will resolve ? i'm really worried , Thank you
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Having low grade fever below 99.4

Greetings doctors!! I'm having low grade fever for the past 55 days and it's within range of 99.4 mostly high from noon to evening( 98.7 to 99.1/99.2) on consulting my doctor he prescribed Tb tests and ESR, Ultrasound and stool test. In stool test clour - Greenish brown, Reaction - acidic and pus cells - 2-3 hpf So does this pus can be the reason behind my fever As ESR is normal as well as ultrasound, Mauntax is pending as well as CABNAAT.( I have no cough nor weight loss no night sweat) Morning temperature upto 12p.m - 98.4 From 2 p.m  to 7 p.m - 99.1 From 8 p.m to 8.Am - below 98.2
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Pulsating pain that radiating

Dear doctor, for the past 6 months I am experiencing pulsating pain starting from lower back and radiating to back side stomach, back of heart and ends with neck. This happens after I urinate and drink water. The pain is like very awkward and difficult to manage. But this pain lasts for about 20 to 30 seconds. I have hypertension, diabetes militias. And my creatinine is 1.6 , foamy urine. Blood pressure raised at night. Please give your suggestions.
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Need a prescription

Hi, I am suffering from cold,cough fever, and more over I have an allergy if suddenly climate changes. I hv also acidity problem
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Need a Medical Certificate

I suffered from viral fever starting on Sunday and had a migraine attack. Need a medical certificate for the same for 2 days sick leave from 2nd to 3rd Dec.
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