

Kidney stones

My father is diabetic with points 10.3% and recently found kidney stone of size 1.2 cm Started using ayurvedic medicine..can he take cystone tablet also ? If yes please suggest the dosage .. Thank you in advance
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Stomach pain tiredness yellow urine

Hi, My friend has stomach pain, tiredness and yellow urination from 2 days.. he has been taking steroids for kidney treatement, wysolene 10 azoran 50, amlong.. kindly help me with the cause and treatemnt.
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Creatinine level 1.3 for male

Just got my kft done , I am male my bmi is close to 32 , although everything was normal, but my creatinine was 1.3 , whereas the lab range was 0.7 to 1.3, . Should I be worried, if yes what precautions can I take, I am very tensed right now...
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24 hr protein is 3858 mg

Hi My PCR spot  urine protein is 300mg and the ratio is 3.10 and my 24 hour urine protein is 3858. Ultrasound didn't show any kind of abnormalities in my kidneys. My hemoglobin is 17 and lymphocytes are slightly on the higher side. Symptoms I have foamy urine and slight burning sensation during urination and I don't have any other symptoms. Please advise anything to worry about?
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Protein in urine

My mother is diabetic but is in control (75 fasting , 139 pp in recent test) however urine has protein 3, RFT report is normal. Pls advice
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Advice on medicine

I am taking some anti migraine and psychotic medicine Betacap 40 Nexito plus Prothadien 25 mg My ENT doctors prescribed billast m , I want to know it is safe for kidney or not
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Hospital suggestion

My dad having breathlessness while laying down . He is having diabetic nephropathy Creat 8.4 Bun Hemoglobin 7 Hospital where we were having  treatment . They said to go higher cntre Hospital. Kindly suggest multi speciality hospital having EWS slot where we can consult cardio , nephro n endocrin .
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Ultrasound results

Urea_ 92 Creatinine.  2.1 My father is 55yrs old recent test ultrasound KUB Kidney Right kidney . 86.6mm approx and left kindey. 96.7mm Both kindey are normal in shape and size and position. Both kidney have raised cortical echotexture. Right kindey show multiple small renel concretions with calculus seen in the middle calyx(size=10mm). No hydronephrosis was seen . Ureters are not dilate Urinary bladder Pre void show normal distension. The wall are regular. No calculus \growth/sludge etc are seen in the wall or lumen . Post void residual volume 94.9cc Prostate gland The size . Outline and echotexture appear normal . No focal parenchymal lesson are seen. Seminar vehicles appears normal in morpholgy... My father not cause any pain and any symstoms It very concens or any risk cause?
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HB level decreased

Hello doctor pls find the attachment report,in this report HB level decreased and blood urea level increased serum creatinine level is 3.08, kindly suggest how to reduce blood urea level and increase HB
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Request for Alternative Medication

My mother, who has Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), is currently taking GLZ XR 60  in the morning to manage her blood sugar. She is also prescribed Ajaduo 10/5,However, due to the high cost of Ajaduo 10/5, we are looking for more affordable alternatives that offer similar benefits. Could you please suggest a cost-effective substitute or alternative
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