

Prostate infection

Can the doctor check whether the patient has prostate infection or not just by the digital rectal exam?
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Help about my flank pain

I have pain in my flank and groin also after passing stool in the morning, I have flank pain and weakness, there is heaviness in my flank and after doing ultrasound it is normal and after doing urine routine, bacteria is positive in it, I took amoxicillin 500 twice a day, got some relief for 5 days please help me
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Nephrotic syndrome query

Hello son 7.5 years is suffering from nephrotic syndrome.his 1st episode was in march..doc gave him omnacortil till 29th may. Again he relapsed on 25th june .he was given omacortil 25mg..25mg morning n evening...after it became negative..he was on 40mg alternate day..but during this again got protein 3± .doctor said give 40mg daily till negative.its has been 3 days of giving daily but today protein is 4±. Pls tell me is this dose right? Or he should have given 50mg daily.? His weight is 27.4kgs. His current doctir is not available right now.will be very grateful if u reply.
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Really Tensed about recent reports

Hello Doctors, Recently, My father recently had a heart attack so we were tensed and busy there.. i also had viral fever and I was feeling weak so I thought about having a complete body blood tests. In that report I came to know that my eGFR is 78 and creatinine is 1.29, AST 100 and ALT 133, Bilirubin direct is .21 and potassium is 5.57. Also my Vitamin B12 is 67 And D is. 35.52. my Hb1AC is 5.1, Hb is 17.14. RDW is 15.60. neutrophils is 1.87 and lymphocytes are 3.74 and cRP is 2.93. I'm really tensed about my health conditions.. I used to have BP around 135-87 or 140/90 sometimes otherwise it remains 125/85 mostly.. I'm overweight but started walking regularly. Kindly help me what should i do.. I don't smoke directly or take alcohol. Kindly help what should i do.. I'm just 27 years old and I'm really tensed about my health issues.
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Kidney stone moving? Back pain lower

I have 4 mm kidney stone.. when will i get to know if kidney stone has moved? I have been getting mild lower back pains since 2-3 days. Does this mean stone moving? I talked to my doc on call- he just asked if urine flow blocked- I said no- can pass normally- then he said no worries, meet me after 15 days Plz anything u can suggest or add?
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Infection in urine

I am getting pee again and again, and the area is burning alot, Also my poop is not coming since 4 days please suggest what to do. I need to stop the infection as soon as possible.
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Foul smell in urine

My 9 year old son weights around 24.5kg and height is 125cm and from many months have observed that his urine has strong odour .had taken test a year back and want to know is it normal and what next to be the reports normal and his water intake is low .is anything else to be taken care of.he is a kind of aneamic too.
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Difference of two medicine

Hi.kindly please tell difference between nepronac and renostead. Can I take nepronac instead of renostead.
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Constant cough with mucous

Hello, My father was diagnosed with CKD stage 5 in March this year and is on haemodialysis twice a week since the month of May. Since the last few weeks he has had a constant coughing problem which worsened as he was affected by the common cold. The cough is usually followed by mucous which is a little greenish in color. He stopped taking dytor for about a month as he started having massive weight loss. The ultra filtration process does not happen from him( limit to 200 ml) as his weight is constant at 45 kgs. The coughing is along with congestion and shortness of breath. What could be the possible reason?
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Leftrenal simple cortical syst 7.5×5.4mm

I m worry please give suitable suggestions its serious or no treatment with medication or surgery if Medication how many days recover
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