Child Health Issues


Red eye in 5 months old baby

My baby boy is 5 months old and has cold yesterday he had redness in his right eye and it was watery, today only eyes are red, I have a doubt that he has scratched his eyes, if it is scratched by him, do I need to consult the doctor, and currently for cold he is taking febrex plus drops
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3 years old

My daughter is 3 years old. Her height is 87cm and weight is 10.4 kg . I don't know what should I give her to increase her weight. She eats everything. Still her weight is this .
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Gummy smile on 1st birthday

My baby girl is almost 11 months 9days old and still hasn't got any teeth yet ,is it okay to have a gummy smile on 1st birthday ? When we are concerned about it. Is there any problem?
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Ascoril D plus for 3 years old

Hi, By mistake I gave 2 small spoon of ascoril d plus to my 3 years daughter. Then I realised that the medicine is not for kids. Immediately I made her drink water and give pinch of sugar. I am just worried pls advise what i should do ? Will there be any side effect? Will it harm my child
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Recurrent fever syndrome

My 2.5 year old daughter has recurrent fever syndrome. Does that mean she has weak immunity system and she will fall sick very often. Is there any specific treatment we can take to overcome this problem. Will it go or will it be lifelong?
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Spo2 1 year child

Greetings sir my brother son spo2 92 to 93 anything problem sir plz tellme sir child sometimes cold sir
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Sleeping on tummy

My 3 months 10 days old baby recently started turning from back to stomach and he always prefers to stay on tummy and even during sleep he is sleeping on his there any issue if he always stays in that position?
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Green slurrybubly poop

Hi my fbaby is 7 month 15 days old. He is doing greenish yellow waterry slurpy bubbly poop since 4 days. Had cold and⅚lĺ coughstuffy nose maximum llof the time he wascranky and crying.what Snehal ould i do
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Baby sweating a lot these days

Baby is 10.5months old sweating a lot while sleeping, changes I have done in recent days are I have switched from Ac to fan and making him wear full sleeves clothes since it's monsoon, so is the sweating because of this because outside temperature is very cool due to rains
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Watery stool( green)

My baby son is 1 year old. 1st day he starts vomiting ..and loose motion fellow smell.. then my family doctor suggest me ziprax dry syrup antibiotic,empty syrup for vomiting and entroflora and zedott 30 mg tab.(1/4th 3 times day) ...can I give oflox 50mg alter to ziprax syp.and gut syrup alter to zedott tab.?
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