Child Health Issues


3 month old disturbed sleeping pattern

My son slept well during the day. Woke up thrice (morning, afternoon, night) for couple hours and at night (after 10pm) woke up only for feeds. His sleeping pattern has changed suddenly at around 2months 20 days old. He now sleeps twice for 1-2hrs each during the day and at night he sleeps less and has broken sleep after 3am. Is this fine?
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Cetzine 5mg/5ml

Hi My daughter 5 years 6 months old is having running rose and cold.Dictor recommended cetzine.Wanted to know what is right dosage for 5mg/5ml syrup. Her weight is 19kg Thanks
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Premie baby Head Circumference

Hi , My baby was born at 30 weeks + 1 day gestation weighing 1229gms, head circumference 27.5 cms and height 40.5 cms. Currently she is 6 months old and weighs 4600 gms , head circumference- 37 cms and height- 57 cms. Our these measures good for her age?
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Pet Dog Bite Incident

Dear Doctor I wanted to consult you regarding a minor dog bite incident involving my baby, who is 2 years old .  A friend’s dog bit him, but there was no. penetration or bleeding—only some bruising. The dog is fully vaccinated. Should I be concerned or take any specific precautions? I have attached a pic for your reference Looking forward to your advice. Best regards, Rebecca
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6th week vaccine details

Hi Doctor, My child was given Easy6 + Rota virus vaccine + OPV + PCV at 6 weeks. I got to know that Easy6 already contains polio vaccine. So, does giving OPV and Easy6 vaccine together create overdose? Is it safe to use both of them together? Please advise.
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Fever related

My baby is 11 months old..she has mild fever..what should I do?? Should I consult a doctor or wait??
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Weakness or strength issues

Hello My son eats well 3 meals a day 600ml milk and in a meal I prefer giving him chappati , vegetable oats, dalia ragi cakes and vegetables. He not eat fruits and dry fruits. My concern is he often gets cough and cold and congestion always there and he is not much strong as compared to other kids of same age. What can be the possible reason it a symptom of anemia or something else? He is active in doing craft works and all only strength work running and all he is not that strong like others Why?
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Throat pain

My 7 years old daughter weighing 21kg is suffering from cold cough and throat pain ? What medication should I give for throat pain already giving chericof and monlukast prescribed by doctor? She can't eat anything because of throat pain
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Son is suffering from cold

Hi Peds, My son has been suffering from a cold and running nose for the past 2 days. Please suggest some medicines for him. Also is it safe to give him watermelon?
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6th week vaccination

At 6th week my baby has been vaccination via one injection and 2 oral at govt health center bangalore, in the card they mentioned all vaccine has been given Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping cough (pertussis), Hepatitis B, and Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib) PCV Rota (oral) and Opv (oral)  My question is, is that possible all vaccines are combined in single injection, specially PCV?
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