Heart Problems & Remedies


Chest pain

Iam experiencing sudden heart fluttering and pain while sleeping and then I woke up it lasts for more than half an hour and then I went to sleep after that it's gone. Only this is occurs neither fainting nor some other pain happens . Like second time this happens I want to know the reason
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Racing heart beat and whole body weak

Dear sir I have pyscatrist problem of overthinking and I am taking medicine and I feel very low fear heavy chest pain I did Ecg and all blood pressure normal heart rate increase feel very nervers and tensed what can be the reason for this
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Bp and resting heart rate

I just checked my Bp .. it is 120/66 and pulse is 61. Is it normal? I am worried because the dia is 66 not 80. Is this normal to have bp 120/66? And heart rate 61.
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Regarding cardiac health

I have done tmt test, echo and holter in may 2024 and all reports were normal as per cardiologist. But i remain conscious of cardiac health always. I am going to gym since past 3 weeks and doing treadmill running. I run 1 km easily with any pain pressure or breathlessness but while running too i remain anxious of bpm. While doing weight training too i thinks of bpm, cardiac issue etc. I dont know what to do. This is making me very troubled. Please guide. Bp remain 110-115/75-80. No smoker.
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Low HDL and normal LDL plus Triglyceride

My hdl level is 35 mg/dl. However my total cholesterol is 102 mg/dl, triglycerides 115 mg/ dl and LDL is also below 100. Is having 35 hdl bad? Is it alarming? How can I increase my hdl level?
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Heartrate issues

Hi doctors Just had a very normal question that I suffer from fibromyalgia left side chest pain and my heartrate is always in between 90-100 at times even at rest so wanted to know if thats okay?
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Chest pain with LVH and sinus bradycardi

My mother experienced chest pain today and Done the ECG test in the report found sinus bradycardia and LVH is this severe? and from the blood report the troponin I is negative. She is taking bp tablets for high bp from past please suggest me what can be done further . Please have a look on the attached report .
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I just want to know about my ecg report

I have attached my ecg report plz let me know is everything ok?
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Regarding Stopping Blood Thinning Tablet

My father is taking blood thinning tablet Ecosprin AV 75 tablet since 2.5 years but now our doctor told us to stop taking those tablet as their are no symptoms seen to continue it. But my concern is now since 2.5 he is taking blood thinning tablet and now if he stops taking it suddenly, will it make any health complications in near future?. He has sugar tablet (Udapa) and blood pressure tablet (Telact) going on. Doctor told us to take these two tablets and stop taking Ecosprin AV 75. What to do?. Please advise.
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Experiences chest pain for 4 hours

My mother experienced chest pain done the ECG in the report found LVH and sinus bradycardia . Please explain is this sever also she is taking bp tablets for high bp from past 4yrs . Any further treatment or medication can be taken?
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