Tooth and Mouth Problems



Hi Drs PLEASE CLARIFY MY DOUBTS I'll come straight to the point now as m so worried   1.  I had got dental abcess which I was not aware bu notice the swelling of bump 4 to 5 days back and had been to dentist today and they mentioned it's abcess n pus is accumulated 2. DENTIST ONE - Mentioned it's impacted gums and two tooths and as a treatment he mentioned - Scaling , deep cleaning and pus extract and post that root canal and cap --But my husband tld we shall take second opinion we went to one more dentist They mentioned yes it is bacterial infection and same abcess + pus Again they also performed x ray and tld it's jus on the gums and not on the teeth As a course of treatment They did Scalling Cleaning and surgery  to remove the abcess and did some Lazer to kill the bacterial infection So now my worry is I was not aware since when I had this coz I had no pain .. whether it has spread to others parts of my body which might my organs or cause serious health issues
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Tmd in right tmj and right mast. Muscle

Arlier also I had asked question. 4yrd ago I had got filling in my right lower second molar. After that it became sensitive I ignored it. Bt in Oct 23 I hd been to same dentist for this sensitivity. she suggested for refilling so did it. Also she observed there is cavity in adjacent wisdom teeth so got filling in both teeths. After filling severe pain started in both teeths went to her again. But didnt get any soln so changed dentist. She said to get rc done in both  teeths. I did the same as I was unaware that wisdom teeth should be removed instead of rc.। For one month it was all ok.। But then from jan 2024 pain started in right lower jaw radiating to ear. Went to the dentist who got rc done she was not ready to listen tht it ws due to faulty rc in wt. She kept on saying it is due to grinding . So again another dr removed wt. But pain persisted. Now again another dentist said it is tmd and advised to wear kois deprogr. wearing it still there is pain. how to get rid of it permanently?
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Having black spot inside my mouth

I am having black spot inside my mouth whats that I'm very curious about it let i have attached pics also
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Teeth gap problem  I m tooth cleaning 7 just days my tooth was gap ...when my tooth gap fully filling or not.. gap too is possible ...this tooth gap problem. is  coming 2 to 3year before...
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Pyrrohea affecting Teeth , nd fell down

Hi doctors, I am asking for my mother that she is getting affected from pyrrohea in panel of front teeths. Yesterday also, a teeth fell down during dinner. Firstly, it had been onto 3 teeths, then it had spread to 6 teeths. Mother does brushing 2 times a day keep them clean. Pliz suggest me for her care treatment.
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Teeth paining

After food suck between teeth I remove food but it is paining badly, I has 3 to 4 days but pain is not going what should I do now please help
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Tooth eruption

Hi doctor Need to ask, After the baby tooth eruption can the kid eat no veg? It's been 48 hours of removal.
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Teeth Problem

I regularly brush my teeth since childhood, I don't eat chocolates or any such junks, even though my teeth has these marks. Why is it so and how can I cure them? Btw I use Dabur Red paste.
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Bump On Gums- attaching x ray

Noticed a bump soft one on upper gums (since 4 to 5 days small)near wisdom teeth not much pain and all But it has become slightly big hence wats that and wats the concern Attaching x ray Is the infection is on jus gums or even teeth are infected??
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This is sore taking long to heal

Can i know what is this sore, i used to get mouth sores which i other parts. This is on gums. How long it take to heal?
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