Brain and Spine Problems


Medication for Migrane

Kindly suggest medication for migraine/tension headache c/o nausea. Paracetamol 650mg is not giving any relief.
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Stroke like symptoms

My grandmother age 65, she suffering from hypertension 170/100 and she due to skip two doses of medicine she falls due to dizziness and difficulties in speaking, but she is concious, Talking eating all activities she is doing but for some time she forgetting and talking anything, we did MRI some photos sharing please suggest is this serious needs hospitalisation or we monitor with medicines at home, is this serious condition or mild please suggest
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She is having breathing problem,

Breathlessness, chest pain , fainting after breathlessness, visualization of things he was trying to hurt herself , doctors told it's cause of stress nd anxiety I would like to know wherever I should consult neurologist or psychiatrist, her eeg observed slow wave motion activity, in brain , her vitamin D is also low , haemoglobin was also low
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Migraine Headache

Suffering from Headache especially after waking up from sleep or nap . Pain in the specific parts of the head not the same area.
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Headache right back side

I have Headache right back side from 5 month, no other symptoms like vomiting etc. I have consulted a general physician 1 month ago and he suggested me AMICOBAL Tablet 1 tablet at night, I have not started yet, Is it ok to take and when to take, can I take it day time because at night I take Telvas 40.
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Chakar aana

My family elder suffers from anxiety, headache, breathing problems, I don't know what she is suffering from? Sometimes I think she suffers from panic attack but I don't know please help
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When medicine can be stopped

My son have to take the medicine masorate CR300.He take the medicine since 3 years.There is no problem after taking the medicine tillnow.How long he have to continue the medicine
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Spina Bifida

Hello Doctor, Can spina bifida be cured? Symptoms are aggravating at the age of 22 years. Can the symptoms be controlled? Please suggest any treatment
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Essential tremors side effect of lithium

Sir I have cleared upsc cds exam. I have also cleared the interview. My medical exam is in next month.I have mild tremors due to lithoum is there any temporary solution?Pls help sir I have worked very hard to join as officer in army
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Anxiety nerosis

सिर घूमना कुछ देर बाद अपने आप सही हो जाना और सांस फूलना फिर थोड़ी देर बाद सही हो जाना इससे पहले डॉक्टर को दिखाया था वो दवा पंद्रह दिन तक चली Fludac 20mg Ulcirex D Polybion syrup Ciplor 40 Clonabless Plus Selonac P
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