General Surgery


Hiatal hernia causes how many days it

Hi sir causes of hiatal hernia how many days it takes to develop Does skipping meals often cause hiatal hernia What are the causes of developing hiatus hernia Diagnosed with endoscopy How many days it takes to develop in stomach
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Bed sore pain

My father ( age 83) is a Parkinson's patient. He is suffering from bed sores on hip joint bone. Doctor given antibiotic linox 600 twice for 5 days. What medicine can I give for bed sore pain? Dressing with saline water and then applying megaheal gel treatment going on.
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Vericose vein

Facing vericose veins from long. Pain in legs and back of thigh . The image I shared for right foot , has perforation and gets blood like liquid.
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FNAC report of lump on back

CYTOLOGY : Cytological examination shows anucleate keratinizing squamous cells with some nucleated squamous cells, strands of fibrous tissue, multinucleate histiocytes & debris. Background shows disintegrated erythrocytes. There is no evidence of Tuberculosis or Malignancy in the aspirate. IMPRESSION : Epidermoid cyst. * Suggested biopsy for confirmation. What does this report mean?? Do I need to go through a biopsy or can I get it excised??
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Accurate imagine

At 30 years age if usg is normal then is it possible to find malignancy in mri and mammogram??? bcz my gynec saying usg is normal so nothing to worry. but i fear that only usg is accrate?
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Treatment for Electrical Shock Burns

Please see the attached images of severe burns on a patient's hand and foot caused by an electrical shock. Also, I've attached the current medicine prescription. Could you confirm if the prescribed medications are appropriate?
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Blood in stool

I am having blood in stool from 2 days I don't know why it's not painful and burning sensation is there...and I had fever also in between ...
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Sleeping on right side after LC

I had my laparoscopic cholecystectomy recently. After how many days can I sleep on right side? I am used to sleeping on right side and have no discomfort sleeping that way when I tried today.
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Piles problem

I broke my tibia bone i went a surgery 20 days back I'm completely bedridden i can't change the sleeping position too I've to elevate the leg always, for a week i have pain on anus, and also burning sensation while passing stool and also paining in anus, what should i do? I can't visit any hospital for now due to my leg, I'm taking blood thinner daily as prescribed by my orthopedic doctor
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Young age imagine

At age of 30 usg breast is accurate or mammogram?? which modality i use to detect breast cancer?? if usg is normal than it may chance to miss something malignany is usg?? further test needed or its sufficient??
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