General Surgery


FNAC report of lump on back

My FNAC report of lump on back mentioned -Cytological examination shows anucleate keratinizing squamous cells with some nucleated squamous cells, strands of fibrous tissue, multinucleate histiocytes & debris. Background shows disintegrated erythrocytes. There is no evidence of Tuberculosis or Malignancy in the aspirate. IMPRESSION Epidermoid cyst. What does this mean??
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FNAC report of lump on back

CYTOLOGY : Cytological examination shows anucleate keratinizing squamous cells with some nucleated squamous cells, strands of fibrous tissue, multinucleate histiocytes & debris. Background shows disintegrated erythrocytes. There is no evidence of Tuberculosis or Malignancy in the aspirate. IMPRESSION : Epidermoid cyst. * Suggested biopsy for confirmation. Please suggest what does this report mean??
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Right thigh swelling image attached

Hello, i m attaching image please have a look,i have swelling on right thigh anterior with mild pain like cramp.. I didn't fall or neither i had any injury. It's been 5 months the swelling is not going i feel very uncomfortable while moving..i did xray nothing came, than doctor prescribed ultrasound for right thigh anterior swelling.. reports says fat deposit only.i m anemic, vit b12 vit d deficiency hypothyroidism pre-diabetic also my question is why this swelling not going is there any blood clot or any serious disease.please help me i m very stressed.i draw green circle on image the light greenish swelling is there between circle.please reply.i have disc desiccation problem also.
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Mri breast

Hi, mine usg breast is normal. but still i fear of missing something for cancer i want to do mri breast. but i delivered baby before 10 days so after how many days of delivery i can get mri breast ??
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Looks like reticular veins

She is having swelling in ankle and pain behind calcaneum on waking up .In her thigh some small veins are visible .the swelling in the ankle region is present through the day and reduces sometimes
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Pilondial cyst with sinua

I have a problem with last 4 month with now I it is worry about this ya not please teel me sir I am fully depressed this
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Regarding piles

Hello doctor i just wanted to know does piles veins looks like this or not i have attached photo please tell me
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Leg pain after rest

I feel severe pain in leg and knee for more then a hour after rest or raising from bed I consulted ortho & neuro but not settle, I was more then a year I have this condition, I can't stand prolong or walk long
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Gall bladder stone

Is there any medicine for gall bladder stone or surgery is the only option...I often get stomach ache , bloating, gas and stone is 12mm and others are small
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Hello Doctors

में SDM (IAS) हूं, और एक चीज पूछना है ,की क्या ऐसा कोई सर्जरी है जिससे पेशाब डायरेक्ट निकले ,  शरीर से बाहर , कही बैग,  पैर तरफ लगाकर ,कुछ सिस्टम लगाके , और मुझे सेक्स में दिक्कत भी न हो Because our life is very hectic we dont even get time for urination, always i hold urine , i know which is harmful for our health. Plz reply
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