General Surgery



Actually since few days right toe having pain and redness along with swollen. wearing shoe along with socks during gym. Night time causing itching and pus. causing horrible painful and white discharge is coming out. right leg is paining a lot. present medication dolo 650 mg and muipriocion oniment apply. what to precautions should be followed
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Burnt wound slough formed

I had burn I week back, had wound on my hand 2cm, not  healing , white slough formed like in picture, using sliverex , can i manage wound without debridement,  please suggest any Ointment or dressing for fast healing...
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Post-operative care

I've undergone a b/l axillary breast swelling surgery on 24/5/24. My stitches are removed and it has healed from outside. My question was related to the kind of product that I can use while bathing and after. I haven't cleaned my underarms with any soap/bodywash yet. 1. How long after can I use soap/bodywash? 2. Name of specific soap, if any? 3. How long after can I go for waxing? 4. When is it safe to use underarm roll-on or deodorants? 5. When can I resume gym? Thank you.
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Have neck lump and swelling and headache

Have a neck lump on the right cervical neck area and swelling also over that area and back of neck! Severe headache and dizziness and nausea. Have done NECK USG - the report suggested I have few more lumps of sizes in L1 and L3. And one is that 2cm. Have taken multiple courses of antibiotics! The xray is clear! What can cause this? And have done antibiotic courses but didn't solve! Asked for Female, 23 years, Bangalore
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Right cervical neck lump and swelling

I have a neck lump on the right cervical neck area and swelling also over that area and back of neck! Severe headache and dizziness and nausea. What can cause this? And have done antibiotic courses but didn't solve!
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Burns wound slough formed , not healing

I have a burnt wound on my hand of may be 2cm, got blister popped, using silverex  and wound is not healing as white slough formed on it , how can I manage it without debridement , please suggest any Ointment or dressing...
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Post gall bladder surgery pain in arm

Hello Doctor, After removing Gallbladder via laproscopy my father got severe right hand pain.what is the cause of that pain? Is it something serious??
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Small hernia

I was diagnosed with an inguinal hernia last week. I am doubtful. Please find my MRI scan result below.
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Bed sore on hip joint area

My father (aged 82) suffering from Parkinson's disease. Recently a bed sore appeared on hip joint area( photo attached). Giving megaheal gel. Moxikind cv 625 twice for 5 days  and dressing  with saline water.Any other medicine is required? Kindly suggest. Black spot around bed sore is worrisome?
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Itchinh anus when go for walking

Hi dr, I am having perodic itching issue. It comes once in while in day but it increases when i go for long evening walk. Itching is mostly on outside anus area and tittle inside. When i itch or wash anus then this itching gets reduce but not vanish. It gets nornal when i sit 30 40 min after walk. I am 98kg, 35year old guy. Have prediabatic and mild lipid increase. I walk 6 7km daily evening since last 2 years. My food habbit are mix of veg and non veg. I have stopped taking outside fast or a y food since last 1 month. What could be cause of this itching and how can i handle this?? Please suggest.
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