General Surgery


Breast abscess surgery

Which position is best for sleeping after breast abscess surgery. The surgery is done on left side breast and cut is upper left side.
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Fissure surgery

Can we play badminton if we have fissure surgery surgery done one year back and doing fine now.
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Seton has broken off after two weeks

I recently had a fistula surgery and a seton was placed to help with draining the track. The draining has stopped and the wound has also healed, however, the seton which the doctor said could come off on its own after 4-5 weeks has broken off from one end and is now hurting me. Can I pull the seton out by myself or should I keep it in and let it come off naturally? Please help!
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Breast abscess surgery

Tomorrow my breast abscess surgery was done. How many time to take heal wound please reply me doctor.
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Small cut near anus

I Have A Small Cut Over The Anus And a small pimple near the cut for the last 2 weeks. It swells at the time of bowel movement. Experiencing bleeding for the 1st 2 days, then no bleeding happens. I want to know how much time it takes to heal? Any food restrictions for this? What is the treatment for this?
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Arterio venous malformation

Hi, i recently had a surgery for artiero venous malformation on wrist to forearms. My staples were removed yesterday it's been 17 days since my surgery took place but there's so much of pain despite taking pain killers especially in the wrist joint bone and upwards. I'm attaching a pic. Sensitive pic which was taken after surgery and also current pic. My doc says it will pain since theres process going within the body . As some of my arteries were cut and they put some pipe kind of thing within that and opening of which was outside my skin.. they removed some tumour type of thing formed by veins arteries and nerves.. pic has only 3 bones visible so are there ntg else left? How long will it pain. And why is pain not reducing especially on wrist bone and above. Please tell what can be done. And do I need an x ray after surgery?
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Underarm lymph

Hello, Got underarm lymphs. There 02 each under each arm pit. Since 02 weeks. Left side developed later. Please help.
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Epigastric hernia

There is small lump on the upperside of umbilical. On cosulting it turned out to be epigastic hernia. Sysmptoms - No pain ,no difficulties just small lump or looks like swollen area. Is there urgency to get its surgery done immediately or wait as there are no symptoms. When to get it done ..any signs?
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Is the wound getting healed?

Age - 29 Gender - Male I hit my leg with a wooden door 3 days ago. There wasn't much blood, but the wound is a little deep. I washed it with betadine and have been applying betadine ointment while cleaning it with betadine. Is the wound healing? It's dry and white in the morning now, a little bit of swelling around, there is pain if I touch it. Attaching pictures for reference. My last tetanus booster was 3 years ago. Should I visit any physician and take any medicine? I recently (3 weeks ago) took some antibiotics cause of the fever. Can someone help me to tell if the wound is healing or not? I have left it open, cleaning it but not covering it. Please help me! thanks in advance!
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General anesthesia is safe?

General anesthesia is required in breast abscess surgery ? General anesthesia is safe or not? Please reply
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