General Surgery


Bike accident in lef leg

My lef leg accident in bike leg pain farther treatment in leg 2 day daycine runing it's recovery time
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Throat pain

Hello Doctor, I'm having throat pain and irritation doctor prescribed me Azithrol 500 mg morning and mondeslor for night by mistake I taken both night together, Can I take both in same time
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Usg breast

Hello i had done usg breast .report are attach here. my concern is only usg is sufficient for detection breast cancer. many dr told that mammogram will be done after 40 year age. iam 30 now. so only is sufficient or more imaging i will have to perform? . i fear that if usg will not detect the abnormality than what can i do? and it will spread through. ? kindly help please
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Underarm ultrasound Reports

Pls see the attached reports ? Is it serious or cancerous by any cost ? Can I wait for its excision for 1month ? How much recovery will take as I have 2yr old to take care of ? Is the excision only option ?
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Hernia abdomen

Hernia in abdomen of 18mmx16mm. Had left nephrectomy due to renal carcinoma in 2020 Age is 52yr old women Is surgery required ?
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Biopsy report of tumor on thigh

My mother had a lump on right thigh. FNAC report reveals that as spindle cell tumor. After that doctor has performed Wide Local Excision and send the sample for regular HP small specimen test. The report is attached. Can you please interpret this? Is there any chance of malignancy? And also please mention whether any further test is required or not for confirmation.
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Swelling due to injury and cancer

Sir, can a swelling in the leg due to an accident lead to cancer in future ? I heard that a boy who was injured while playing developed a swelling due to that injury which later turned to cancer. How far it is feasible? I thought to consult an expert like you regarding this. Can a swelling due to any injury lead to cancer?
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Colonoscopy report

I have done colonoscopy , report is normal ,I am there is white patches or lump in the rectum area ,I circle it on the picture, please look what it may be ... report attached
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Lipoma little pain innleg

Any issues if pain little in leg's from hubby as all they have in they family .. Their gene ...suggest pls
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Ganglion cyst

Hello doctor I'm having ganglion cyst on my left wrist And is has started paining little while moving my wrist, please tell me what should i do
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