General Surgery


Regarding piles

Regarding piles. From last few days stool movement was hard & color also changed. But no blood only hard.
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Query about rabies vaccine

I had dental surgery 1 day after getting completing rabies vaccine dose. Do i need to repeat my vaccination
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Please diagnose me based off my endoscop

Main symptom is nausea persistent H pylori stool test negative Thyroid normal History: started off as violent coughing which made me vomit then evolved into nausea Have tried omez d nexium plus domeperidon...currently on amitryptaline and itopride What is the reason of this nausea Please tell based off my report
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Breast isssue

Breast usg shows birad 2. then i need further mammo or mri? or usg is itself sufficient.?? i had fear of breast cancer
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Usg breast

Do usg breast suffient for detecting cancer? if usg report shows birad 2 then need any further test or its sufficient? i am too tense that if its sufficient or not,? or its possible that usg shows benign and mammo and mri detect cancer?
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Fistula at 4 O clock

Hi Sir, My MRI is showing fistula and doctor is suggessting some surgery where he will the fistula and also cut little internal sphincter. Do I need to go for normal fistula surgery. I am looking for opinion on this one apart from kshar sutra as my marriage is next month and I should be recovered before that date. IMPRESSION: • Thick walled intersphincteric altered signal intensity collection is seen in the perianal region on the posterior and left side at 4 to 6 o'clock position, this collection is extending superiorly in the intersphincteric plane at 4 o'clock position on left side. - These features suggestive of inter-sphincteric fistula tract with abscess formation (Grade 2 St James's University Hospital classification) My MRI findings are below:
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Limb Lengthening Surgery

Can fingers be lengthened with limb lengthening surgery ? For cosmetic reasons, I'm unable to ride scooty because of small thumbs and fingers. But I can do other work. Ps. my hands are also shorter than average.
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Breast lump

My mom had breast lump In the FNAC test shows no malignant cell present But it shows Proliferative breast disease with mild nuclear atypia in some cells [IAC YOKOHAMA Category - 3 (Atypia)]. Pls help me I am very worried?
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Simple fistula

Hi, I had one small lump near my anus for nearly 7 to 8 months. It rise up and sometimes reduce in size. Last week i got one boil it broke by itself and pus and blood little came. Yesterday i went to doc he physically examined and said its simple fistula and asked to sitz bath. There is no medicine only surgery is an option. Iam under ivf treatment. Egg retrival is done waiting for embroyo transfer. Our doc told u can plan for sugery now or after delivery. Is it ok to wait. Will fistula increase? If so in what time span. Iam having the lump which broke last week pus and blood came and stopped when it will heal??. Can apply any ointment?Will it affect my ivf treatment Please suggest iam tensed...
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Hemorrhoid problem

I am 23 yr old.I feel a hard and long rough think in my anul canal. Sometimes it's disappeared but I have minor pain, itching and burning sensation after stool passing that can last up to several hours.I was suffering constipation for many's very serious problem or not?
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