Psychological Counselling


Anxiety health

Whenever I hear or read some news about the death of someone with some cause like tumour or attack I get worried automatically and feel the same symptoms in my body and then I get scared more what should I do for this..
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Narcissistic mother

My mother is a very bad narcissist. She always abuses me. Always shows she's superior and always keeps me hyperalert. I cannot spend even one minute in joy. The moment she sees me in joy she starts torturing me emotionally. Always shouts, is unavailable, belittles me and has never shown any love. She wants to change me. How can I change the behaviour of a narc person?
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Social Anxiety

Hi, I would like to know how I can get help in handling my social anxiety problem. I get sweating on my face during some specific social situations where the focus is on me. This is impacting my personal and professional life . I'm trying to find the right Dr or therapy to handle my situation.
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ADHD and Relationship

As someone with a history of depression, ADHD and anxiety, I find it hard to maintain a relationship, I often fail to understand my partner deeply, lack effort from my part and often mess it up. What should be my strategy going forward to build meaningful relationships?
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Hi doctors, I've heard that auto immune diseases are triggered by an incident of trauma or stress. I could relate to it as I think alot  in my head and get very stressed and tensed. I also get frightened easily which I believe are due to one of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. I haven't started with any medications except for homeopathy. However, I haven't seen any concrete results to help me continue. Please guide me as to how I can I get a cure without medications. Natural ways with lifestyle changes will help me alot. Thank you
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How to become a psychologist? Which degree is required?what is a scope in india.should we do it or its to become a dietician?
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Cursing my fate and destiny every second

In my life and in my family's life some bad things that happened I have lost my father and also all worst things that happened to my mom and sister which is imaginable possible my sister's married life is also not good for kindly process suffering from severe disease and I am also not settled in life this is made me very very negative God destiny all the time and I am so negative I have headache all the time what to do what to do I can't live like this I have to pure myself I have to get better
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Insurance covers? ?

Is there any insurance that covers and pays for psychology counselling Because I can't pay for psychology counselling fees
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Mind confusion

My kid is 5 year old. While giving occupational therapy in class, she fell down from swing. She got a mild fracture and doctor has put plaster. I haven't told about my kid going to occupational therapy class to my mother in law as she calls all her sisters daily in phone and she is telling about our kid which I don't like. My fear is, I'm in my parents home . We haven't told my MIL about fracture of my kid. I don't know what to tell her. Because if I say about therapy now she would ask why haven't you said me bfr. My husband says we must surely tell about fracture to his mom telling that she got injured in park. If I say so, my parents would get bad name as they haven't looked after the kid well. I'm confused. Pls advice what to do. What to tell my MIL. I'm really confused. I thought not to tell her as she may create scene, that she wud have looked after the kid much better. She thinks that whatever we do we must inform her. She asks many questions without taking care of kid.
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Feeling lonely

How often feeling lonely is ok? If you are able to work and do chores and deep within there is a vacuum it ok?
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