Psychological Counselling


Very adamant

My granddaughter is 5 years old. For the past 5 months she has turned very adamant. She is showing tantrums such as crying, screaming if she is hungry or sleepy. She has developed this bad habit at recent times. Also she is taking medicine for epilepsy on daily basis. She is better with us and shows tantrums if her mother is present. Also she is very adamant to talk. She is not interested to write nor talk. Due to language barrier she doesn't sit in class. So teachers have recommended shadow teaching for her. Could you explain what is shadow teaching? How to control her tantrums
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Headache BP low Mind Upset Over think

Dear Doctor, I m facing issue with my mental health. Last month was very exhausting for me my friend got separated i discuss my life problems with whom with i used to talk every day. Now i m alone and when i get time i m all time alone i smoke. When i sleep and when i get a bit awake i feel like my hand shaking my heart beat slowed mind senses down. What is happening i m not able to understand. I m overthinking worst scene for future i don't know what to do kindly help me in medication. I m from a place there are no doctor whom with i can consult discuss. Kindly help. I feel like pain in ribs... Pls explain
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I feel mentally upset. Feeling anxiety, depressed in every minor situation. Crying without any reason
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I was a very happy person but since 6 months I am very anxious , have only negative thoughts always , don't enjoy the things I used to .. I am 49 and I feel my life is over . I was never like this . Please help me . I suffer from hypothyroidism, going through menopause.
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Feeling anxious while going out

I am a college student and my college is a bit far so I have to travel 12 kms daily. Few days ago I experienced shortness of breathe and feeling of passing out which has created issues in my daily life. My exams are going on and I am having fear of going out, whenever I am in crowded places I feel suffocated, i also feel that I am not able to breathe and that I am going to faint or whenever I am walking or standing i feel that I'm going to faint. My symptoms are Shakiness, Again and again gulping to feel comfortable, cannot focus on anything else, hands get cold, sweats, I need someone to take me from my college to home, I don't know how this started because I was able to travel to my college more than a year. I try mindfulness but the symptoms are very severe and I cannot focus on anything. I try counting numbers. I was also given two injections because of the anxiety and when I lay down or sit I feel better. How do I deal with this, it has created a problem in daily life.
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Fear and Anxiety

I, with a fear of death and irrational thoughts, believe someone might harm me or cause damage, leading to my death. I've experienced extreme panic attacks, which required two injections (Effcorlin and some IV). I struggle to function without my mom's support, as she helps with dropping and picking me up. Whenever I have minor physical symptoms, like cold, cough, heart pain, or shoulder pain, I worry that they might lead to severe health issues or death. Is this situation serious? It seems like I may be dealing with a severe anxiety or panic disorder. To address this, whom should I consult for a proper evaluation and guidance on appropriate treatment options.
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My wife gets mixed emotions of everythin

Hi My wife became a mother last year and now we have an 8.5 month old son. She gets irritated easily and gets emotional and starts crying for simple things. She doesn't feel more social and wants to be at home alone with a child if there is still any  important function within the family. I want to know if this is the sign of postpartum?
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Want some counselling

Sir/ mam...actually the matter is before 8 months i got some symptoms like low bp and restlessness and anxiety...the doctor prescribed me frext 100 and lamatrigene i m completely ok...but my husband and my in laws harrs me mentally that lamstrigene is not prescribed for depression...they claim that it is big drug...and there is no doctor in this whole world who prescribed lamatrigene for depression...i tried very hard to convey them to clear their doubts abt lsmatrigene...but they neglect me and want plz suggest me can i take legal help...bocz they defame me and does not allow me in my husbands is an allegation on  medical grounds..even my husband is taking venlor d.....they claim venlor is for depression but lamatrigene is for bipolar,epilipsy,srziure .....
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Sleeping issue in the night

I'm not able to sleep except for a very few hours in the night. Especially, a few recent weeks and after my recent break-up, it has been so bad. It had happened in the past , around 2 yrs back and I had very similar situation. It took time to improve. I'm not able to concentrate in my life for my own betterment. Loosing interest in my personal wellbeing, health and work. I'm looking for advice on how to improve the concentration for my wellbeing and get a quality sleep. Would you recommend sleeping pills? Regards
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Please guide

Hi, I am b. E graduate, mother of 2 kids I am going to switch my career to psychology . I have uploaded the sample picture. Whether it is worth it. Please guide. Diploma course.
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