Recently Answered Questions on EXAMIC


Exam anxiety

I m having a very bad anxiety during exams.i have nausea n vomiting the entire day. I cant sleep also even for some time. .please suggest some medicine that will help me relieve it without making me sleepy as i have to study...can i take etilam??0.25mg??
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Stress about exams!

I get anxiety in quite rooms when I'm with other people. Like I'm afraid my stomach will make a noise or sometimes my abdomen will make weird noises.
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Exam stress

When i sit in examination hall I started feeling sick... I feel like I need to pass urine like 5-6 times in an hr... This has created nervous breakdown in me... Pls help n guide...
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Studying for exam

Couldn't concentrate while studying and long stretch studying am writing for CMA 2 group need suggestions improve
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Stressed during exams

Hi, My daughter puts alot of hard work to score marks and gets stressed out and at times her behaviour is making us tensed. Plz let us know how to handle the situation Thanks
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Eye exam done

Please see which test is done on this machine. My doctor checked me on this machine I want to know which test he did. Please tell
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Fundus exam

Today gone regular eye has done on slit lamp only...being a high myopia asked for indirect ophthalmoscopy he said it's enough no need everything fine...what should I do ?change the doctor?
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Exam pressure

I am not able to qualify NEET ezam since 2016.Everybody tortures me you are good for nothing.I know I can do it this year but this world around me puts me down
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For med exam

What is the meaning of THR , dr told me, when l complete my test around 85% but THR not achieved and advised repeat tmt
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Feeling tension due to exams

She is now jr inter due tension she is struggling a lot she is not suppose to concentrate on her stadyes due to tension what to do
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