Recently Answered Questions on EXAMIC


Eye exam query

Can we identify frontal lobe brain tumor during eye examination can opticians sense of we have braintumor in  the frontal lobe
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CBC and Peripheral exam

Hi i am having 99 fever for quite some time- ON and OFF i did a cbc and peripheral smear test. Are these reports normal?
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Pelvic exam report .

Hello doctor I had pelvic unltra sound on 15 th of march I got report as mild hyperlasia then on 25 I got periods , doctor told me to do ultra sound after periods . I am not understanding the reports what does         "ET =8.6 means" .
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Way of conducting piles exam

I'm planning to visit a physician for piles. How will the test be conducted? Please explain in detail. How much will I have to undress and expose my buttocks? I didn't visit earlier due to this reason but now the problem has increased and there's no option left. Please explain in detail
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Rubella exam while pregnant

My iGG is 10.1 and my igM is 1.13 i am 35 weeks pregnant. In my first trimester i had this test and my igG was 11.9 and my igM was 0.59
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Medical standards in exams

Hello Dr. I have lens of power -2.5 . In which category i am A1,A3,B1 ? And from where I can get certificate
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Improve memory for exam..

Hiii, i m employee also student.doing study for compeyitive exam.Is it possible to improve memory and concentration
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Lens to reduce eyesrain in online exam

I get headache while giving online tests ( After 1 hour )or while watching movie in theatre (immediately after it starts). Is there any lens available for reducing eyesrain?( I have to give an online test which would be for 6 hrs (3+3) ). I have -6 eyesight and muscle strength 10.
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Remedical in pre employment medical exam

These are my ECG & ECHO report. Please confirm whether these are okay or something problem is there.. DRA grade 1 is found.
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Stress related health of parents & exam

My mother is 53 suffering from multiple myeloma ckd 5 and ESRD since 2 years...father is having uncontrolled diabetes mellitus and now showing signs of diabetes nephropathy...going to consult endocrinologist soon for him...I have to study as well properly to crack my neet ...I counted the no. Of diseases in my home along with comorbidities and it summed up to 30 ...I am trying to help them as much as possible but I feel like when will this all end and when will they be healthy again
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