Recently Answered Questions on EXAMIC


Exam stress , low self esteem ,panic

Exam stresss...coz of this i m not able to perform so well according to my potential... while writing exam hands r sweating ....sometimes panic attack....feeling feeling low... have lost all my confidence....easily give up
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M-Band on routine exam, no symptoms

My father's SPEP was found to have M-spike of 3.9 g/L on routine exam. Did BM Biopsy and blood tests, BM-bx shows 7% plasma, beta microglobulin is 3404 ng/ml, K/L FLC ratio 1.36, IgG 1760, IgA and IgM normal. IFE shows monoclonal gammopathy in IgG and Lambda region, Albumin 4.39, Reticulocyte count 1.66%, LDH 141. Hb 12.2, Pt 151000, WBC 10300. His hemat is out of town, Bx report came today, what could be the potential diagnosis?
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Neon yellow mucus after eye dilated exam

I went for an eye exam today and they did dilation with two drops. They said one is numbing solution and another one is dilation drops.  It's been an hour and I spit some mucus from the throat and it looks so neon yellow.  Is this normal? Or should I go back to the eye Dr or ER? I never seen this before and I have had eye exams before. Is this normal? I am so scared to see this. It's keep coming for every split from the throat. My saliva is normal .but the throat mucus is yellow.
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Severe low back pain : Exam tomorrow

Hi i am 32 female, i came to another city to write an important examination tomorrow, but today while bath i got a very severe low back pain. My back feels very stiff, i can hardly walk. It pain to get up and lie down in bed. Can i give 6 hour written exam tomorrow? How do i get inside the car with this pain to go to exam centre?
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Rbc 4-6 hpf in routine urine exam

I have fever since last friday temp was around 100 , fever got reduced by monday , during routine urine exam rbc was detected 4-6 hpf , cbc was also done, usg was done one month back kidney bladder prostate was normal , is it a cause of concern or it can be uti , had kidney stone operation 2 years back i am on cefixime and dolo , heard antibiotics sometime causes hematuria. I have attached my routine urine and cbc report
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Internal exam

Is it safe to get the internal examination done at 35 weeks? I've white discharge problem and would like to get tested for the same.
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Regarding government exam

I am 20 year old my left eye injure in my childhood and right eye complete so am I physically fit or not
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Exam anxiety

I have a paper on Sunday and I feel very anxious to the level that I am unable to perform well. I find excuses to not give mock tests and every time I do I feel nauseous. In the past I have already messed up one big paper because of it and I don't want to repeat it and this paper on Sunday is very important to me
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Penis Exam

Hello Doctor, I Need to get my penis examined. Need to be sure if the shape skin size is fine. As I have minor issues in my penis. Can it be done online?
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Exam anxiety

Preparing for neetPG. This is my 2nd drop, within these 3yrs I always studied nicely but during last three months.. I get panic attacks.. I start crying cant even ans simple ques 7plus 6 is 13. This year I went through everything 3thrice.. but there were no confirmation about the dates, my panic attacks started from Oct. This time I decided I wl not panic but seeing all who started with me are top rankers.. n m get very poor infact last in the hierarchy. Please help.
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