Mental Health


OCD medication or Deep TMS which is best

Hello, I used one month OCD medication but not noticed any change I need to go to deep TMS ? Can you please tell ?
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Sleep awakening

I am on remission in bipolar disorder I am on lithosun sr and risperidone 2mg still Doc is tapering slowly... I have a doubt During sleeping I am awakening for 2 min in 2 times in sleep and immediately falling in sleep... I am sleeping 7 hr 30min night and 1hr in afternoon Is awakening  a cause of concern Please reply
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Tension headache

Can oxcarbazepine overdose cause tension headache.? I am already an ocd patient . Currently on fluvator 100 ,arip Mt 5 and oxetol 300mg. All three times in a day
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I cant deal with my anxiety issue which cause my health problem. due to anxiety, I cant focus in anything. Could you please guide me that how to deal
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Sadness and no motivation

I was taking medication for anxiety and depression for the past 2+ years. I stopped them just a couple of months ago as I wasn't seeing much difference. I tapered off the medicines after consulting with my doctor, but now I feel worse. I am exercising daily, meditating and eating only healthy foods. I don't take any alcohol or drugs and do not smoke. Even then I always feel like I don't wish to live. Nothing is making me happy anymore. I used to love art and going out, but now I just don't feel like doing anything. Please help.
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Autism Medicines

My son 3 yrs is diagnosed with ASD. His is undergoing all the required therapies. Recently his centre is suggesting homeopath iron syrup supplement.Is it safe to give iron without any blood test.? We have already given him Multivitamin supplement during viral season as suggested by his
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OCD Medication

Hi, In 1st month i did not observed any change i used below tablets. Fluvoxin 100 CR mg Clonil 10 mg Clono joy 0.25 mg cloz beta 10 mg In 2nd month iam using below tablets will i get change Flu top 20 mg Clonil 25 mg Clono joy 0.25 mg Cloz beta 10 mg Can you please tell ?
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Panic attack while driving

Over past few days, I got panic attack in traffic, specially when the traffic is not moving. Eg in a traffic signal. I feel like my leg will lose control of the brake and I will bump into another car. Heart rate also reaches 150. Then I think if I stop, I will halt the traffic behind me. I somehow calm myself down using Music but today I got another panic attack while driving. I also have health anxiety in general. Please suggest a few tips to cope. I am afraid to go to recurring counselling.
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OCD medication not works for 2 months ?

Hello, Iam getting thoughts like parents will dead suddenly. In first month OCD medication not recieved any change Iam using 2nd month OCD medication with changed medicene Still not recieved any change what i need to do ?
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Anxiety of health

I feel like something bad will happen with me; like i will fall down & then will die. Whole day i think about that. While standing, i feel off balance, daily searching for the disease i got but report comes normal. What to do?
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