Mental Health


Sleep issue, overwhelm, overthinker

My friend (patient) seems diagnosis and treatment. However, I and their family members tried all possible ways and the patient is not interested in meeting and visiting doctors online, offline unfortunately. Brief about patient history, we believe need Someone qualified to advise, how to get my friend( patient) feeling stressed, despressed post Almost 9 years of married life. My friend(patient) has been following Completely opposite circadian rhythm and waking up whole night. Sleep during the day in bits and pieces & not sleep continously anytime consecutive day, nights. Patient is highly qualified, but seems not at all interested to work for office and being home maker, and wants to do something own to get her name and fame. Patient is unsatisfied with what ever she got and want wealth, however, she is taking unnecessary stress and loosing both physical and mental health. Patient not getting proper family and friends support in setting up some business she wants to do of her own.
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Stomach pain appetite ...

I had stopped nexito plus a few days back am getting upper abdomen pain after eating ...and not feeling hungry ..there is bloating and gas .....also I started googling n worried that my symptoms are of stomach cancer ...does nexito plus cause withdrawal symptoms like these ...plz help ...last time also I had the same symptoms when I stopped nexito plus ...but the pain was mild after eating ...
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Etizolam 0.5

After taking 10 pm morning then it's ok but 3 pm sleeping time i feel shock in my head, it's like heppening in my head after 30 second it's stop. It's serious or normal effects plz tell me??
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Maybe Psychological pain in abdomen

I've been suffering from abdominal pain from last year almost, ultrasound, ct enteroghraphy and all blood test are normal. Consulted many gastroenterologist tried Normaxin RT capsule and other gas medicine. One Sr. Doctor told me its not getting better because it is then psychological pain, but I've no stress at all. No tension, it just currently i am not doing anything in my life which doesn't bother me. Can it be a psychological pain? Should I consult psychologist for this? Is this really can be the cause?
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Tapering melzap 0.5mg for anxiety

I have been taking melzap 0.5 and ciplar 10 for 8 months to treat my anxiety. I have been feeling good for more than a month now. How can I gradually reduce my melzap 0.5mg dose ?
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Decision taking issue

I had one boyfriend , he is of other caste , we were in relationship from more than 10 yrs now , i lost feelings for him because i am unable to convince my family before covid we decided to go Australia together so we did paper marriage also but then covid came and we divorce, now he went Russia because , my dream to settle abroad now i don't want to go against my family because they will die and i want to leave guy but he will die if i leave and i am unable to take decision regarding that . He is always telling me to come to him but whenever i try to convincey parents , they just hate that guy and really i also feel sympathy because he were always there to help me but i don't have feelings any more , i am unable to ho him away because of his blackmail but i am unable to stay with him because i don't want to and so much confused what should I do . My parents are searching boy for me buty mind is like should i play with his life because he won't marry ever , i m facing guilt in my life.
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OCD medication

Hello medam / sir, I started OCD medication from 4 weeks. Within 4 weeks how much percentage of change will come ? Iam not noticed much change about loved one death obsessions. Iam not confident to say how much percentage of change came ? Can you please tell clearly ?
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Panic disorder and health anxiety

I am on treatment from 10 months for panic and health anxiety how many days this treatment should be taken or its life long should I take medicine I Heard from people once psychiatrist medicine starts must take it for life I am totally fine now as like i was in college no tension no fear fully calm
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Can I take andernal 10 for restlessness. I am not able to feel good in anything which I liked earlier. Don't like to watch anything in tv or mobile which I liked earlier. Music which I liked earlier. Food which I liked earlier. Friends also.
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Sudden angry for everything

Hi, I am facing too much angry frm so many years i ll b normal but without my control i ll get angry on silly things suddenly for ten to fifteen minutes after tat i ll become normal and get headache and shoulder pain. This happening in family everyday it goes to worse sometime so kindly suggest some valuable feedback TIA
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