Mental Health


Hypnotherapy reqired

Can u pls connect me or suggest some hypnotherapist., I have been suggested by a counsellor. Kindly le me know
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Alternative of uvox

Doctor suggested me uvox 50 mg for ocd, but am feeling sick like nasuea, drowiness, dizziness etc, suggest alternative of uvox or suggest a vitamin tablet
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ERP therapy for OCD

Hello, Psychiatrists also can do ERP therapy for OCD ? or psychologists only can do ERP therapy for OCD ? Can you please tell ?
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My friend is in depression and is suicidal since last 6 months. We are trying to cheer her up but nothing is helping. She was in a relationship for more than 4 years and has dreamt of marrying her boyfriend, but he left her saying his family won't approve due to cultural differences. She is still unable to get over him. She cries most of time, and lost interest in everything. She is suicidal always and has also made few attempts. She really wants to end her life so as to get rid of her pain. Is there something that can take her pain away?
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Person is getting popped up continuously

Hi doctor, A person is getting popped up continuously in my brain. I saw her in my office. I have no feelings or anything for her. For once I thought she was beautiful. From then my brain subconsciously reminding of her. I couldn't concentrate on my work. The thought of her bringing me stress and anxiety. I am in a confused and vexed state. I am tensed when this person goes off from my head. This person comes to my brain the whole day. Even when i am taking with others, her picture lingers at the back of my brain. Even when i work that face pops on to my screen. Please suggest me something for this.
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Adult adhd

Who is the best psychiatrist whom I could get in touch with in madurai for assessment and treatment for adult adhd? Who is best in madurai for adult adhd?
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Query about psychiatry

I have been prescribed Nexito Plus for anxiety and panic attack. A family homeopathy doctor asked me to take Kali phos and Passiflora. Will it be possible to continue allopathy and homeopathy together or are there side effects?
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OCD medication

Hello, Iam completed 4 weeks ocd medication but iam not noticed any change I think regarding parents death related obsessive thoughts. Can you please tell confiedently not able to say change came like that
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Death obsessions

Hello medam / sir , Iam getting death obsessions regarding loved ones. From 3 weeks iam taking OCD medication but iam not noticed any change regarding death obsessions or fear about loved ones death ? Can you please tell when i will notice any change ?
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Etizolam 0.5 for anxiety

I have anxiety and panic attack problem. 3 days taking after panic attack gone, i have use clonozapam and escitaloprám. But after 3 days i have problem like my head not working, then i have consulted a psychiatrist. Doc gave me etizolam 0.5 and paro cr plus but day i take etizolam0.5 tab at 10 am then 3 pm sleeping time feels sock in head like something heppening in my head, My body does not tolerate medicine, 2 month i am suffering, Now panic attack not cuming but some symptoms like lightheaded, heavy head, weird feeling in chest, and mild chest pain, head weak, sleep difficulties, sometimes sleep comes but 4 to 5 hours Is there any way to fix it without medicine? What to do??
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