

Feverish feeling due to heat

Hi doctors, I'm not feeling well right now. I feel feverish, my breath and my palms feel hot. Also there is a bit of back pain at the joints. This happened after I was standing in a traffic jam for a long time in tremendous heat at around 1pm in the afternoon. After that I had entered an air conditioned room for a seminar, following which I was out on the road in the heat again. Could you please suggest what I should do, or what medication I can take? I don't want allopathic medicines that is why I'm asking here. I'm from Kolkata and I'm 33 years of age.
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Health problem

Yawning to much is sign of stroke plz tell me I yawning much in a day I want to know plz tell it's normal or serious.
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Review thie medicine

I visited a homeo pathy doctor today for hair greying, genetic hair loss and beard greying, he gave me these med ,please review it , will it work?
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Health problems

I am taking Crataegus q and Adonis q and arnica 30 by hemopathy doctor I have taken Adonis q in mrng and after that instead of taking arnica 30 by mistake I put 2 drop of Adonis q again on my tounge so I am worried plz tell me it could be dangerous.
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Weight not gaining

I am 25 years my problem is that "I'm not gaining weight even though I feel hungry and eat a lot. What should I do?"
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Health issues

Hlo can i take  Gelsimium 30 with nux vomica 30 plz tell me Or nux vomica can antidote Gelsimium 30 .
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Health issues

I have mitral valve problem and tsking hemopathy treatment I was cycling little fast and after then I got neck stiffness and heaviness in head head always feels heavy, dizzy, and breathing problem. I done 2d echo 3 month ago, Arotic regurgitation grade  was 1/4 . Is cause some problem in my brain or what.
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Health issues

Hlo their is any medicines in hemopathy which can prevent or stop brain stroke I want to it's have in hemopathy or not if have the plz tell me the name of medicines.
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Interstitial cystitis/ PBS

Why did my interstitial cystitis symptoms all come back? I became completely healed with homeopathy treatment, despite drinking coffee 3-4 cups a day, it never came. But currently there is some stress in my life. So does interstitial become worse with severe stress and anxiety? This interstitial cystitis condition is always linked to stress/anxiety  and has no permanent cure?
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Height Increase

I am 17 years old, and currently my height is 5ft 6 inch i want to ask that can homeopathic treatment will help me to increase my height, also "Does homeopathy really increase people's height at age of 17"?
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