Recently Answered Questions on Refract


Rubbing induced changes clarification

Does rubbing the eyes frequently or vigorously really changes the shape/curvature of the cornea to induce - 0.25 or -0.50 change of power? My local opthalmologist was telling it can happen but many doctors on internet write that rubbing does not change the shape of a normal eye . Or it is rather the another way around that genetics of minor power changes are already there but rubbing induces or accelerates this genetic predisposition. I request you to clarify my doubts here as we are dealing with a normal eye here and not the one with kerataconus . How does rubbing really affect it then or what are the other factors that affect the shape of cornea becoming oval  and that too at the age of 25. Vision was normal till age 19 then diagnosed with refractive errors of -0.25 cylinder at age of 21 and -0.50 cylinder at age of 25 respectively
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Uncomfortable sensation in R eye

I am breaking down into the points :- 1. My right eye feels somewhat weird. There is uncomfortable sensation / mild pain within the eye or maybe can say behind the cornea it feels. 2. Recently I had an eye exam and it was normal. Eye pressure was normal too (16). But there is a refractive error of -0.5 cylindrical in the right eye. I was also given comfortz eye drop for evaporative problem. 3. Whenever I wake up in the morning , there is dilation of blood vessels visible in my right eye. Those red veins like structures become prominent and red. What do you think is the reason behind the discomfort of my eye? 4. I also suffer from post nasal drip associated with allergic rhinitis for which I take modern antihistamines like Cetirizine and montair LC (montelukast+levocetirizine). Do you think that nasal congestion or inflammation of nasal membrane has to do anything with it OR if these meds cause dry eye which is causing symptom. But why only right eye??? Left eye feels completely fine.
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Eye problems

Amblyopia, also known as lazy eye, is reduced vision in an eye that results from misalignment of the eyes (strabismus), a need for glasses (refractive error), or disruption of light passing through the eye (e.g. pediatric cataract). If recognized early (preschool years), amblyopia generally responds well to treatment. If recognized later (after 9-10 years of age), amblyopia is much more difficult to treat and the child may have permanent vision loss. Signs and symptoms to watch for include misaligned eyes, squinting one eye, bumping into objects or other signs of poor depth perception, head tilting, and double vision. Amblyopia therapy can include glasses, patching, eye drops, and sometimes surgery.
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Preemployment medical checkup

Pls confirm whether you do below test. Checklist 1. Candidate's photograph is to be attested by the Medical Examiner 2. Fitness form is to be signed & stamped (Stamp with registration number) by the Medical Examiner 3. List of the tests to be conducted are mentioned below:- • General physical examination, by a Registered Medical Practitioner having minimum MBBS qualification • Eye examination by a qualified Ophthalmologist (Including Colour vision test & Details of refractive error) • Complete Blood Count • Blood Sugar examination • Blood Group • Urine examination, routine and microscopic • X-ray chest • E. C. G. • SGPT • S. Bilirubin • S. Creatinine • S. Cholesterol • S. Triglyceride
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Preemployment medical check

Checklist 1. Candidate's photograph is to be attested by the Medical Examiner 2. Fitness form is to be signed & stamped (Stamp with registration number) by the Medical Examiner 3. List of the tests to be conducted are mentioned below:- • General physical examination, by a Registered Medical Practitioner having minimum MBBS qualification • Eye examination by a qualified Ophthalmologist (Including Colour vision test & Details of refractive error) • Complete Blood Count • Blood Sugar examination • Blood Group • Urine examination, routine and microscopic • X-ray chest • E. C. G. • SGPT • S. Bilirubin • S. Creatinine • S. Cholesterol • S. Triglyceride
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Omega3 fatty acid supplement for dry eye

I have dry eye problem since the past two years. My doctor has prescribed REFRESH LIQUIGEL eye drops four times a day and it really helps with the burning in my eye. But the problem again starts if i stop using the drops. I am also advised warm compresses with cotton soaked in warm water for five minutes once a day. I also have slight refractive error in both eyes for which i have attached the prescription for glasses. I want to know if it is  absolute necessary for me to wear glasses? Can glasses cure or worsen the eyesight or are they just meant to correct the vision for the moment. My most important question is that which OMEGA 3 FATTY ACID SUPPLEMENT is the best and safest and how much dosage should I take? The other medication I am on is EPOSOFT (soft gelatin capsules for gamma linolenic acid) and EVION 400 (vitamin E capsules) of for pre menstrual breast pain.
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Omega3 fatty acid supplement for dry eye

I have burning sensation in my left eye since the past two years.Earlier,it used to happen when I stayed up late in the night or worked on the computer,watched TV or studied for long hours.But now even when i get up after a long night's sleep,my eye starts hurting in a few hours.I consulted 3 different doctors and have been diagnosed with dry eye.My doctor recommended REFRESH LUQUIGEL EYE DROPS 4 times a day and it gets all better when i use the drops,but the problem again comes back once i stop using them.I also have slight refractive error in both eyes for which i have attached the prescription for glasses but want to know if it is absolute necessary to wear them and is there no permanent cure to this problem.Also i heard that having omega 3 fatty acid supplement helps in curing dry eye.So which supplement is the best and safest?The other medication i am on is EPOSOFT (soft gelatin capsules of gamma linolenic acid) and EVION 400 (vitamin e capsules) for pre menstrual breast pain.
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Severe eye strain headach

Madam , recently I consult with you and answered me that advised to consult​ an opthalmologist and test for eye refraction and funsus examination I have an problem with eye strain and headache since 2003 before it was less problematic but slightly it will began to rise and more complicated I consulted with 10 -15 physian I checked my eyes doctor told me that your eye muscles are weak advised me to do some home based eye exercise and some at clinic that is synaptophore and prism execise and told that from 6 cm distance when u will see a single tip of pencil you will relief I done it 2 months then I .do home pencil exercise at home but could not get relief problem will remain as it was when passing my time and age it became more pain ful to my eyes J meoand head on temporal region after I consulted with neurologist and suggested to done mri I have done no abnormal finding are come then he will suggest me to a psychiatrist and he told me that u have a depression
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Regarding LASIK Surgery

Hi All, I am Harish Adkane. On Aug 2016 , I got recommended for INDIAN NAVY for an officer entry. After selection , I underwent stringent medicals. I was fit in all areas, but they declared me unfit because I have a small refractive error of -0.75 for both the eyes and my vision is around 6/9 for right eye and 6/12 for left eye.  They require  6/6 for both the eyes. Though LASIK surgeries are prohibited in Indian armed forces. They won't tell you directly , but they allow candidates wid LASIK surgery done provided it should be done an year ago ..or it should not be detected while medical examination. So i want to do a surgery which is non recognisable and could be healed over a time. As per my research , I came across some variants if LASIK  such as PRK , TRANS -PRK,  Epi LASIK, Trans Epilasik, TEMLA. After 2 months, another Advt will be open,  and I am planning to apply for it again but this time for pilot entry, which again requires 6/6 vision. please guide me on this.
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How to improve my eyes

I am having a few problems of eye and vision. And i am having few refractive errors and and huge eye strain My vision present Left eye   =  sph -3. 5 ,cyl 0.75 axis 170° V. A. 6/9 Right eye=   sph -3. 5 ,cyl 0.75 axis 10° V. A. 6/9 FROM 1 and half year I not visited eye doctor 3 months back my glasses was broken so I decided to buy new so I went to a eye doctor suddenly my eye power increased .Before 1 and half year my eye power is sph = -2. 75 for both eyes and no cyl power and V. A. is 6/6 for both eyes before COVID I used to go out and play well in outdoors and there is no screen time only books and playing cricket.but recent corona situation I am simply sitting home and using mobile more than 15 hours a day and I not eat any good diet 🥦🍎🥗🍌 .And now I am  getting some headache around eyes and eye brows and front head and I feel my eyes are strained out and feel exhausted so I decided to make my body and vision healthy. So please suggest to get my vision and healthy eyes back.
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