Recently Answered Questions on Refract


Corneal topography

I just want a second opinion of these two topography of mine. I am keratoconus patient. One topography was taken on july 2018 and other one is today. Is it stable keratoconus or not?? And other factors?? And the refraction error for right eye Sph-0, cyl- -6.50, axis- 60° , V/S- 6/9. Thanks in advance
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Best AR lense for computer usage.Dry eye

I have dry eye problem since the past two years. The doctor has prescribed me REFRESH LIQUIGEL eye drops four times a day. I also have slight refractive error in both eyes for which i have attached the glasses' prescription. I work on the computer for long hours. I want to know what type of anti reflective lense will be best for me?
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Relex smile surgery

Hi , i had a relex smile surgery two week back for high refractive power of L9.5 and R10.0. My left eye is improving well as the days passing. But my right eye is having a bit haziness ( light shadow appearing )and that seems to be not improving as compare to left eye vision. Please advice and suggest ? Will it take time for proper vision or what ?
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Coats diseadr

I have coats disease in left eye. my doctor do laser two times to cure it. i have high myopia and my doctir told me that any refractive surgery is risky for you. i have computer vision syndrome. so can there be any sideeffect of doing computer in my coats disease because it is regenerative two times
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Barrage Laser Treatment!

I did my Refractive LASIK surgery on 12th May 2016 and after 3 years when I went for a routine checkup, the retina specialist has detected a Small hole in my Left Eye Retina and has advised Barrage Laser Treatment. Symptoms I face are eye dryness sometimes especially when in office working on computer. I had - 6.25 Myopic number prior to LASIK, but vision is clear after LASIK. The doctor said, the hole could be because of high refractive number before doing LASIK. I have the barrage laser treatment scheduled on 20th July. Can I go ahead with it ? Also, what could be the possible reasons for such small hole developing in Retina ?
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Query About Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)

Doctors, I Have Been Sufferring From Refractive Errors in Both Of My Eyes (Myopic Astigmatism). I Have Been Sufferring From This Problem For 2 Years. 2 Years Ago, I Was Consulted A Eye Specialist 3/4 Months After From The Refractive Error Started. 2 Years Ago My Age Was 12 & Now My Age is 14. I Have Gone To Doctor's For Two Times & He Reported That I Have 6/6 Vision After Wearing Glass. Now, Was 3/4 Months Late Consulting To Doctor Cause Lazy Eye To My Eye? And is My Eye Become Lazy Now? Please Let Me Know Doctor. I'm Very Anixious About This Matter.
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Eye problem

My cycloplegic refraction is coming out +0.25 for both eyes and normal refractive error is coming out -0.25 both eyes the doctor told me to wear -0.25 both eyes though I got clear vision but it started to give me bad headache and eye pain even after 2 month of use now I am not wearing anything feeling blurred Vision at all distances eye pain and headaches the doctor also prescribed Me genteal gel and covergence exercises but nothing's working can it be accomodation spasm should I try atropine without any prescription or what power of glasses should I wear
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Query Regarding Corneal Shape Changes

Doctor, Look At The Two (2) Pictures Which is Given. Among The 2 Pictures, The First Picture Captured by Looking Down And Move The Upper Eyelids Up. And The Second Picture Captured by Eye's Side. Please Note That The Both Eye Has Myopic Astigmatism And Refractive Power is Spherical(LE:-1.50D, RE:-0.25), Cylindrical(LE:-0.50D, RE-1.25D). Now, Please Answer The Questions: 1) Is The Eye's Corneas (Which is Shown To The Picture) Cone in Shape?  2) If The Picture's Eye's Corneas Are Cone in Shape & If The Corneas Is Cone In Shape Due To Keratoconus, Will The Cone Shape Of The Corneas Must Much More Than The Picture's Eye's Cornea's Cone Shape?  3) If The Cone Shape Of The Cornea(s) Due To Keratoconus, Is It Possible To Obtain 6/6 Vision With Normal Glasses (Which Are Used To Correct Refractive Errors)? Pls, Answer This Questions, Doc. It is Not Possible For Me To Visit An Opthalmologist Due To Lockdown. So, Please Answer This Queries. And I Will Be Ever And Very Very Grateful To You.
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Recurring styes

I'm having styes (most probably) which keeps coming back since last month. The bumps are not too big and painful, but i can feel the bump and mild pain which keeps coming back every 5-6 days. Having consulted doctor, i took medications: 1. Augmentin 650 2. Enzoflam 3. Moxifloxin eye drops. I took them for 3 days twice daily as instructed by doctor. Checked my refractive power too, it's fine as well. What should be done to fully cure from the situation?
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Headache and pain behind both the eye

I was diagnosed for viral arthritis and it has been treated, since day one i was suffering from headache , pain behind both the eyes my MRI reports of brain and venogram are normal , my eye refractors are 6/6 even though i get severe headache from early morning to night and due to pain behind eyes i get pain near corrugator, vitamin d level is 21.5 and B12 is 736,no proper sleep ,even though i don't think about anything i get headache should i rule out any other test, plz help me out from this i had showed to many doctors but no use
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