Recently Answered Questions on Refract



Is it possible that a person is operated for wrong power ? For example if a person power is  -4D, but the optometrist diagnosed it -4.5 D during subjective refraction tests. Then what is the possibility that the person will be operated for -4.5 D instead of -4 D?. Aren't there any machine which calculates eye power by itself? ( Because human error is not involved in machines!). I am scared if doctor operate me for wrong or true eye power and if later I have to regret. I heard that auto refractometer calculates eye power precisely, then what should we do to avoid this human error?
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Toric Contact lenses and Blurry vision

Hello doctor My eyes are having astigmatism of 0.75 in left eye and 2.75 in the right , i Was wearing glasses but I was having ghosting , halos , starburts , light streaks and light sensitivity 3 doctors told me my eyes are completely healthy inside and they did corneal topography and even if it is normal , they said it may be because of refractive errors and gave me contacts Even after wearing contact lenses today I'm.having blurry vision my eyes are irritated and tearing I'm using toric soft lenses I have dry eyes and the schimers tear test is 18 and 22 Is it normal to have some blurry vision from contact lenses or Its a error again Please help me I have this issue from 3 months I went to all doctors possible Im 19 years old
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Seeing object rotated

Doctor, I'm 14 years old. My weight is 98 KG, height 5.3/4 inch. I have refractive error for more than 2 years. My spectacle power is RE-(SPH: -2.50, CYL: -0.50), LE-(SPH:-0.75, CYL: -0.75). Some days ago, i had dizziness. This dizziness has go away with some medicine. But, for some days, I have been feeling that object are bend. I also attached an image with describing what I'm feeling. In those image, First line is normal person's vision and second line is my type of vision. What is wrong with me, doctor? Please let me know.
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Can a doctor measure wrong prescription of a patient and operate for the wrong prescription in lasik? How do surgeons make sure that they have programmed the machine exactly as per the patient eye! Because they measure refraction by subjective tets so there always a possibility of an error. I have my surgery due in July at AIIMS , Delhi, I have astigmatism but I am afraid if the surgeons operate for my wrong astigmatism axis/ wrong prescription. Please tell how so surgeons avoid these "human errors " in calculating eye power as patient eye prescription may change just before the day of surgery by a small amount! Do surgeons check eye power once again just before  the surgery ? ( on the surgery day) ?
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Double vision

Helow doc.. i see an extra overlapping ghost image of bright lights in dark rooms and also only at night but in bright light of day time no problem. currently i am undercorrected for myopia.. actutal power-->..LE=-2Dsph & - 2Dcyl RE=-4.25Dsph.. and the glasses i am wearing right now is LE=-2Dsph &- 1.5Dcyl and RE=-3.5Dsph.. Is this undercorrection of double vision creating this ghosting of lights at dark??? i consulted two doctors about this they examined and found nothing in corneal topography and extraocular muscles are also fine with no restrictions as OM is full.. this is causing me Stress. is this for the undercorrection of refraction?? or anything more serious..
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Cure for schizophrenia

Actually my mom is suffering from schizophrenia from past 3 to 4 years at first we didn't notice this problem later on we observed that she will talk some thing to herself and don't socialise and wants to be lonely she will be saying someone her friends are talking to her she well be in delusions and hallucinations. We took her to psychiatrist in 2013 then doctor gave medication slight improvement was there but complete cure is not seen. We are suffering a lot with her sometimes she won't cook properly she will add more salt or no salt at all in curries she will be in confusion always. She will say I am having supernatural powers and I can speak with gods etc. At present we are using tablets named REFRACT , AMISANT, p Pacitane Plz suggest permanent cure for my mom please
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Eye problem after wearing glasses

Nearly 3 weeks before I got glasses as doctor told I have refractive error.. can't able to read small letters at long distance. They have prescribed me 0.75 ( myopic ) in both eyes.. now I feel a kind of mild discomfort in my left eye after wearing glasses.. like need to rub off frequently, very mild burning kind of sensation and sometimes feels like Tiny hair is in eye.. but nothing like that in my eye.. infact my left eye vision is better than my right eye.. if I close my one eye and see I can see somewhat clearly with my left eye rather than my right eye.. but I don't know why it's feeling weird .. please help .. also I'm 10 weeks pregnant..
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Vision loss after C3R

I am a mild stage keratoconus patient with corneal thickness of 460 microns in right eye at time of C3R. Three weeks back i had my C3R done in affected eye. I had 6/12 vision then. After C3R my vision is severly impacted.. Upon visit to doctor I got 6/24 vision on refraction. Now after three weeks the vision has dropped even lower to my previous levels. I have immense blurriness such that I cannot even read texts or see objects from book reading distance clearly. Does this mean I had a failed C3R surgery and my vision won't restore back? Please help. I am really tensed. I am using lubricant drops and steriod drop since three weeks too.
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Frequent blinking

My son 5 yr old wearing specs since 1 yr with refractive error of -2.50/-2.00*180 both eyes. Recently for 2 month he started to blink frequently while watching tv and laptop.Again we checked his power it increased to -3.50/-2.00*180 and retinal evaluation normal. He changed his specs still frequent blinking present and I notice white discharge too. Sometimes he says pain near eyes.He use laptop for online class 1hr. And watch tv for 15 to 30mins as advised by doctor but still no improvement. What to do for his blinking and discharge.
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Heath check up

Hdl cholesterol is 37mg/dl LDL cholesterol is 106 mg/dl Cobalamin (vitamin B12) is 182 pg/ml Fatty infiltration of pancreas Left forearm BMD shows evidence of osteoporosis Lumbar spine shows evidence of osteopenia Both femoral neck BMD shows evidence of osteopenia Both eyes refractive error with presbyopia Mild degenerative changes in the lumbar spine
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