Recently Answered Questions on Refract


Stop breastfeeding

Need advice to stop breastfeeding my 1.8 yr old baby as i need to undergo a refractive surgery. Altough the no of feeds have dropped but she is not willing to wean off completely.
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Query About Oculyzer

Doctor, I Have Heared That The Oculyzer Offer Best Imaging Of Cornea in Refractive Surgery And Corneal Conditions. So, Why Doctors Recommended Pentacam Test Rather Than Corneal Topography by Oculyzer To Diagnose Keratoconus? Please Let Me Know, Doctor.
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Query Regarding To Cornea's Shape

Doctor, Please Look At The Picture. Is The Picture's Eye's Cornea Normal Or Cone in Shape? Please Note That The Eye Has Myopic Astigmatism & Refractive P. is: SPH(-0.25), CYL(-1.25). Inform Me, Doctor, Pls. I Will Be Ever Very Grateful To You.
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Query Regarding To KCN

If One Gets Affected by KC And If The KC Cause Double Vision, Will The Double Vision Even Reduce 5-10% With Normal Lense (Designed For Correct Refractive Error)?
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Viral arthritis

Im suffering from viral arthritis, How many days does it take to recover from viral arthritis, does nerves get damage because im suffering from severe headache, pain behind eyes, refractors are 6/6, no migraine  symptoms, please help me out from this
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High myopia and coats disease

I am not able to do computer more than 1 hour. i am using lubricant eye drop. any refractive aurgery is risky according to my doctor. i have coats disease which is larsened two main question is that can there be any sideeffect of doing computer on my eyes because of coats disease because it is regenerative again and again
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Cataract surgury& astigmatism correction

Before surgury cylendrical power was -2.0 and sph power was -3.0 but after surgury sph is +0.50 and Cyl power is -0.25 from auto refraction, but vision is 6/18. Here where it went wrong, why outcome is not good and why sph and cyl power is shown negligible in auto refraction though vision is 6/18.? Hence i request you to pls address my concerns.
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Query Regarding Myopia

I have a myopia of -3.0 Diopters in both eyes, my myopia began when I was 16 years old, now I am 31 years old. How to know if the myopia I have is axial myopia ( occurs due to eyeball being long) or refractive myopia ( occurs due to cornea) ?
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High myopia

My left have extremely low power. I'm using a specs having high power... Dr. Said that my left eye only have 10% vision... Can i go through any refractive eye surgery... My right have almost 80% of vision
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Headcahe for last 2 months

Continuous Headache that shifts to the face , eye , forehead and top of the head for the last two months. Doctor prescribe naxdom 500 for 5 days and tryptometer for 1 month. I can see very clearly . can it be due to eye problem. Is refractive test needed ?
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