Recently Answered Questions on Refract


Vision regression

Hi Doctor , I had PRK surgery 4 years ago to correct my sight . Now , I see my right eye has refractive error - 0.75 no abnormalities found in eye examination. Does vision regression occur even after a PRK . I’m 30 y male.
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What is their estimated unaided vision?

Hello, I have an 8-year-old patient with a refractive error of -0.75DS, therefore they're myopic. This is the only information I have on the patient. I am not quite sure what this patient's Snellen visual acuity will be as they're young. Therefore I am not quite sure whether to prescribe a prescription or not. Also if a prescription is given, shoul
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Have Eye pain for 15 days

I have pain in both eyes last 15 days . I visited AIIMS DELHI they told me I have refractive error. My prescription VN... 6/9--> 6/6 6/6p--> 6/6 NCT ....19 ,21 .... 17 Pupil.......D+CP .... D+CP
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Double vision in one eye

I started seeing double vision from one eye searched and found it's called diplopia monocular consulted a general doctor she suggested I may need refractive lense but I was not satisfied buy this answer cause it suddenly started and I was completely normal 7hr before Thank you if u answers this
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Eye Pain in Left Side from inner part

I am having some pain in my left eye below the eyebrow part (but pain is from inside the eyes). I am having computer work most of the times. But even without work sometimes pain gets started. I am using specs but also i am not able to stop that pain even after using the same. What is complete refraction and where does i get it, And how much charge should i need to spent for the same. Is any eye drop will helpful for me if yes then which drop would be the best for me.
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My son 10mnth old has turned/squint eyes

My son is 10months old. Earlier there was no squint/turned  eye till 8 months. But nowadays its very evident and prominent.  Got it checked with eye specialist. Doctor told no problem with nerves or vision and there is no refractive power as well. Not sure what is the problem. What might be the reason and how can it solved. Please help
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I have lazy eye in my left eye.

My eye power 6/60 R -3.00 -0.50x 180 6/6 6/60 L +0.50 -4.00x 170 6/12 is it possible to get rid of amblyopia only by patching ??? or i should do vision therapy too ??? how many hours i should do patching???? is my problem refractive amblyopia???
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Lazy eye & Squint

My son has a refractive error, lazy eye & squint in his right eye...his power is 4.5 in right eye & 3.75 in left eye... We are patching him for 5-6 hours every day and vision is 24/36 in right and 6/9 in left.. Required consultation with a pediatric opthamologist for further course of treatment
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Stress headache, pain behind eyes

I was a happy boy, dont have any tension about work and as in life, i have severe headache, My MRI report are normal, in december i had got viral arthritis and i got treated to it, from day one i had headache, pain behind eyes, no proper sleep at night,i dont know how did stress trigger, my refractors are 6/6
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Headache and pain behind eye's

I was suffering from viral arthritis and it has been treated too but from day one im suffering from headache and pain behind eyes,no proper sleep at night,  my MRI report are normal, no migrane symptoms, my eye refractor is 6/6 please suggest what to do i had showed to many doctors but no use
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