Recently Answered Questions on Refract


Pain behind eyes and neck pain

I feel tight nerves in face,headache, pain behind eyes and now im facing neck pain very badly,my MRI report of brain and venogram in normal,eye refractors is 6/6, im facing this problem after suffering from viral arthritis and i got treated to it,i had showed to many doctors but no use please anyone help me
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Headache and pain behind eyes

I had suffered from viral arthritis in december and i got treated for it but from day one im suffering from constant headache and pain behind eyes, my refractors are 6/6, i dont even work to take tension, is this stress headache are due to acidity (can gastric cause pain behind eyes) i had showed to many doctors but no use plz help me out from this
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Myopia and visual acuity

I have myopia since 10yrs of my age now my power is -8.50D in left eye and -9.00D in right eye .i want to know if i have any organic disease or progressive refractive error that can lower my visual acuity??as of now my visual acuity is 6/6 and 6/9 in both eyes with glasses.
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Lasik Eye Surgery

Hello, I am planning for Lasik either Customized + I.R. (Wavefront Guided with Iris Registration) or T.E.S.T. (Trans Epithelial Surface Treatment) ... Please can u suggest which option is better. The machine used at clinic is PULZAR Z1 SOLID STATE REFRACTIVE LASER is it the latest technology ? Thanks
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Fear of losing eyesight

Helow docs.. i am highly myopic in one eye and less myopic in the other. recently i have undergone refractive surgery for the high myopic eye. everything is fine and i am under regular treatment since childhood. but i always fear the risks associated with this kind of eye condition and think that i might get them and in future i will go blind. i always remain in deep anxiety and tension over this. how to overcome this???
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Homeopathy for myopia

I have myopia or nearsightedness since childhood...i want to know how efctive is homeopathy in managing myopia..i.e can i prevent my refractive error or eye power from increasing by homeopathy treatment. Kindly advice. Also are homeopathy medicines safe to be taken by lactating mothers.
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Squiting of eyes

I have alternate estropia refractive error of left eye doctors are prescribed tears natural forte whats the use of this drops is this will correct my squient r else I need operation minimum of 5 degree they have given me white one piece cr39 type glasses for my eyes should I use this glasses is it safe for my eyes
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High myopia

My prescription is stable at -7.50 plus -2.50 cyclinder right eye and -8.50 plus -2.50 cylinder left eye . am i at risk of retinal detachment in future and should i refrain from doing near work like watching mobile series or computer . which refractive surgery is best suited for me ? what is the reason of me being high myopic ?
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Dry eye test for Lasik?

I am planning for Lasik operation and went to 2 different hospitals for screening. They performed refraction and  topography test on my eyes but didn't test dry eyes or eye pressure. Are dry eyes test and eye pressure test not important for Lasik?
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Corneal haze

Had q-lasik 2.5 months ago/ right eye vision(after lasik)- blurry, dull, problem in focusing, glare at all time, sensation of something in the eye, remaining refractive error 0.25*110 cyl.(before- -3.75/0.75*10) How to treat the problem? Can strong antibiotics help or do i need another surgery?
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