Recently Answered Questions on Refract


Query Regarding Myopia

I have a myopia of -3.0 Diopters in both eyes, my myopia began when I was 16 years old, now I am 31 years old. How to know if the myopia I have is axial myopia ( occurs due to eyeball being long) or refractive myopia ( occurs due to cornea) ?
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High myopia

My left have extremely low power. I'm using a specs having high power... Dr. Said that my left eye only have 10% vision... Can i go through any refractive eye surgery... My right have almost 80% of vision
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Headcahe for last 2 months

Continuous Headache that shifts to the face , eye , forehead and top of the head for the last two months. Doctor prescribe naxdom 500 for 5 days and tryptometer for 1 month. I can see very clearly . can it be due to eye problem. Is refractive test needed ?
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Head and Jaw ache

Hello, I got refractive correction surgery 6 weeks ago. From past 2-3 days I am facing headache(in the back head) and pain in the jaw area. I am wondering is it anything to do with the surgery or is it because of weather as it is getting too cold here in the area that I stay.
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Query Regarding To 6/6 Vision

Doctor, Is It Possible To Obtain 6/6 Vision With  Bilatreal Ghosting Image Due To Keratoconus With Normal Eyeglasses (Which Have Been Used To Correct Refractive Errors, Like: Myopia, Hypermetropia, Regular Astigmatism, Presbyopia Etc.)?
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Femto Lasik

Hello, I was adviced for femto Lasik as I am having enough corneal thickness for high myopia. In my final refraction checkup they said there is an increase of -0.5 Sph in right eye and and -0.5 Sph decrease in left eye . But since this is a small change they told not to worry and its subjective .I have small ghosting in my right eye. I am just scared that this will overcorrect or undercorrect the vision (especially night). Are they going to feed the exact refractive error in Lasik or will they again measure the refraction before surgery ? Thanks
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Spectacles with scratches effect on RPow

Hello doctor, I just want to ask if it's better to use 1. Specs with too many fine scratches and stains if they're of the correct refractive power OR 2. Specs with a difference of 0.25 refractive power in one eye and 1-2 prominent scratches. As a student preparing for a competitive exam I do not want to spend time selecting and buying a new frame for the next 5 months  unless it will significantly affect my refractive power since it is as high as - 5 and - 4.75 or be a potential cause of headaches. Thank you
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Reg. Tilted Optic Disc

I had refractive error of -5.5 D and I had undergone LASIK 2 years ago and my now my vision is 20/20. In one of my recent checkups in my fundus exam reports, it was given "retina is on and dilated fundus is within normal limits". But my right optic disc is given as "normal and tilted" and all others were given normal in reports. Does this mean pathological myopia?
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High myopia.

Glass proscription of my right eye is -14 sph,-2.75cyl, 10 Axis, v/a 6/9 For my left eye is -19 sph,-4 cyl, 180 axis, V/A cf 5 m. Which refractive eye surgery i can go through???
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Vison problem

I have little blurness in right eye far and distance both. I had done retina test and refraction too but it couldn't be corrected. Power is 1.5, cylinder 1.5 and axis 70. What can be the problem. Can it be due to any cornea problem or dry eyes? In how many days dry eyes blur vision can be corrected?
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