Recently Answered Questions on Refract


Recurring styes

I'm having styes (most probably) which keeps coming back since last month. The bumps are not too big and painful, but i can feel the bump and mild pain which keeps coming back every 5-6 days. Having consulted doctor, i took medications: 1. Augmentin 650 2. Enzoflam 3. Moxifloxin eye drops. I took them for 3 days twice daily as instructed by doctor. Checked my refractive power too, it's fine as well. What should be done to fully cure from the situation?
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Headache and pain behind both the eye

I was diagnosed for viral arthritis and it has been treated, since day one i was suffering from headache , pain behind both the eyes my MRI reports of brain and venogram are normal , my eye refractors are 6/6 even though i get severe headache from early morning to night and due to pain behind eyes i get pain near corrugator, vitamin d level is 21.5 and B12 is 736,no proper sleep ,even though i don't think about anything i get headache should i rule out any other test, plz help me out from this i had showed to many doctors but no use
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Age factor for Lasik

I am 32 years old with refractive errors -2.25 on both the eyes. On examining my eyes for Lasik suitability, a little skewness was observed. Doctors informed that it may be due to use of contact lens within 6 months of checkup which I have used. I would like to know whether Lasik is advisable at my age and what are all the complications that I may have to face due to age factor or is it a myth that only teens are suitable for Lasik.
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Eye prescription for young patient

Hello, I have an 8-year-old patient with a refractive error of -0.75DS, therefore they're myopic. This is the only information I have on the patient. I am not quite sure what this patient's Snellen visual acuity will be as they're young. Therefore I am not quite sure whether to prescribe a prescription or not. Also if a prescription is given, should the child wear their glasses at all times? (I'm an optometry student and this is part of a project). Thank you.
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Fluctuating vision in one eye after asik

I had Lasik surgery 1.5 month ago and I'm having fluctuating vision in my left eye. Auto refractor readings show that there is -0.5D cylindrical power in the left eye. Vision in left eye is usually better in the morning and becomes blurry by the end of day. I have symptoms of dry eye and blepharitis also. I'm a software engineer by profession and use computer for 8 hours in a day.
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Burning sensation of eye

I have been suffering from severe eye burning since two weeks ,consulted an ophthalmologist prescribed me glasses due to refractive error ( rt-.25 110 degree lt-0.5 90 degrees )even after wearing glasses my burning sensation continues which is more on watching tv or in front of projector watering of eyes ,discharge ,reddening ,itching .
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Eye problem

Sir, my eye is stressed most of the time in day. watering happens most of the times. the strain in the muscles around the eyes causes discomfort in vision and forming black circles below the eyes. refraction is ok. in a slight gush of wind watering starts. watering happens in almost every new condition durin day. suppose i ride a bike or go outdoor then the condition becomes worse. please help..
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Double vision

Helow doc i am facing double vision sometimes especially while looking at a object in a angle.. i visited my refractive surgeon he thought it to be restricted ocular movement and referred me to a specialist in this case who after examining me told me i am absolutely fine and ocular movement is full with no disorder.. i am attaching picture looking at 4 directions... please suggest me what to do. past medical evaluation - -> amblyopic in LE and difference of power in both eyes significantly(anisometropia) and avised for ICL..
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Questions About Cornea's Shape

Doctor, Look At The Two (2) Pictures Which is Given. Among The 2 Pictures, The First Picture Captured by Looking Down And Move The Upper Eyelids Up. And The Second Picture Captured by Eye's Side. Please Note That The Both Eye Has Myopic Astigmatism And Refractive Power is Spherical(LE:-1.50D, RE:-0.25,), Cylindrical(LE:-0.50D,RE-1.25D). Now, Please Answer The Questions: 1) Is The Eye's Corneas (Which is Shown To The Picture) Cone in Shape? 2) If The Picture's Eye's Corneas Are Cone in Shape & If The Corneas Is Cone In Shape Due To Keratoconus, Will The Cone Shape Of The Corneas Must Much More Than The Picture's Eye's Cornea's Cone Shape? 3) If The Cone Shape Of The Cornea(s) Due To Keratoconus, Is It Possible To Obtain 6/6 Vision With Normal Glasses (Which Are Used To Correct Refractive Errors)? Pls, Answer This Questions, Doc And I Will Be Ever And Very Very Grateful To You.
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I am 25, I often notice outward deviation in my right eye when I do any close work for a long duration. Otherwise my eye alignment remains normal. When I use my glasses, my right eye turns outward slightly (about 15°), but when I remove my glasses, that eye immediately comes back to normal position. My doctor prescribed me convergence exercises because she said that strabismus surgery is not advised in such inconsistent duration of amblyopia. I have a large difference in refractive power of both eyes. Right eye -4 along with -2.75 cyl and left eye -6 along with -2.5 cyl. I was operated for amblyopia when I was 6 years old. I will undergo for LASIK in a few days. Doctor said this may be a case of refractive amblyopia or anisometropia. What is this term? Am I  suffering from anisometropia? Will it be corrected after LASIK? As both eyes will be plano after LASIK. Please elaborate.
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