Recently Answered Questions on Lupi-D3


Vitamin d3 deficiency

I am having vit d3 deficiency. What problem i can face. Is there any correlation with weight gain. If it require further treatment.
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Deficiency of vitamin B12 and D3

Hello, I think I have Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3 deficiency? And my cholesterol report also not good . What should I do?
110 Views hidden

D3 vitamin abnormal

Hi sir my name is UMA. Age 46. Yesterday I done D3 test. Values are some abnormal. Please suggest Any medication need.
35 Views hidden

Vitamin d3 over dose

Accidently I have given 3ml of vitamin d3 drops to my 9months old. Kindly let know if it's a problem
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Uprise d3 in breastfeeding

Can I take uprise d3 60k while breastfeeding? Once a week or so? Is it safe? Low vitamin d will affect my baby ?
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Bio D3 Strong Capsule

Can I take Bio D3 Strong capsule in night time.doctors Kindly suggest right time to take and the right dosage
819 Views hidden

Vitamin D3 dosage

Hello sir I have very less exposure in sunlight(10-15min in a day)...should I take vitamin D3 supplement..if yes than what should be the dossage require??
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Vitamin d3 deficiency

My bones used to crack during work out. I was adviced to take 60000 iu vit d3.How long should I take ?
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Deficiency in Vitamin B12 and D3

Dear sir/madam, Please suggest which food I have to eat more for deficiency in Vitamin B12 and D3. Thanks & Regards Paresh Jadav
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Vitamin d3 deficiency

Hi Doctor, I was advised to take vitamin d3 checkup which came out to be 4.9. Can you please suggest some medicine for this and the frequency of consuming it.
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