Recently Answered Questions on Lupi-D3


Uprise D3 for 6 weeks now what to do

Taken uprise D3 for once a six weeks...but as prescribed I have stopped taking it we have to continue it after some time or completely stop it?
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Vitamin D3 for kids

Since children don't go out much...which vitamin D3 supplement should be given? Asking for 3 yr old daughter.
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Vitamin D3 and B12 Blood Test

Should vitamin D3 and B12 test and blood group test be done empty stomach or after meal? Please answer
965 Views hidden

B12 and D3 deficiency

Hi, Recently I did full body checkup and found vitamin B12 and D3 deficiency in my report. Could you please suggest some suppliment.
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Gen D3 Intake

My father has thyroid and hypertension. Can he take Gen D3 medicine ? If Yes, please mention the frequency of intake .
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Vitamin D3 deficiency

In a blood test report it was shown that there is huge deficiency of vitamin D3 in my body. What specialist should I go to for consultation?
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Vitamin D3 oral solution

Doctor has prescribed Depura kids ( vitamin D3 oral solution) from birth up to what age should I continue the same. Please guide me.
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Vitamin d3 deficiency

I am having vit d3 deficiency. What problem i can face. Is there any correlation with weight gain. If it require further treatment.
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Vitamin d3 and iron drops

My baby is 44 days Olds today . Doctor prescribed vitamin d3 from 1st month itself.. and iron drops from 2nd month.. can I give vitamin d3 at morning and iron drops at afternoon? Or both should be given at morning itself ? Please help..
102 Views hidden

Vit D3 and Vitamin D

Can the Dosage of vitamin d and vitamin d3 be same on daily basis? As my doctor has advised me to take Vitamin d one tab daily..can I take Vitamin d3 in place of vitamin d one tab on daily basis?
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