Recently Answered Questions on Oh-D3


Uprise d3 in breastfeeding

Can I take uprise d3 60k while breastfeeding? Once a week or so? Is it safe? Low vitamin d will affect my baby ?
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Bio D3 Strong Capsule

Can I take Bio D3 Strong capsule in night time.doctors Kindly suggest right time to take and the right dosage
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Vitamin D3 dosage

Hello sir I have very less exposure in sunlight(10-15min in a day)...should I take vitamin D3 supplement..if yes than what should be the dossage require??
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Vitamin d3 deficiency

My bones used to crack during work out. I was adviced to take 60000 iu vit d3.How long should I take ?
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Deficiency in Vitamin B12 and D3

Dear sir/madam, Please suggest which food I have to eat more for deficiency in Vitamin B12 and D3. Thanks & Regards Paresh Jadav
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Vitamin d3 deficiency

Hi Doctor, I was advised to take vitamin d3 checkup which came out to be 4.9. Can you please suggest some medicine for this and the frequency of consuming it.
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How do osimid d3 work and  its benefits

I m having osimid d3 medicine please tell me the proper info about this medicine how it work and what are its side effect please tell me about its benefits also... In brief
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Vitamin D3 Deficiency

My level of vit d3 is 7 and the range should be 30 to 70. What do I require injection or tablets. Pls help
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Uprise Vit D3 and neurotrat lm

Do uprise Vit D3 can be taken daily? Do neuro trat lm has any side effects ? Can it be taken with uprise Vit D3? Which vit/supplement is good for muscle spasm?
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D total,d2,d3 deficiency

How to take uprise d3 60k before meal in empty stomach should i take it with water or milk?? How long should i take?? Once in a week is proper solution or should i take uprise d3 1k in daily basis??
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