Recently Answered Questions on Oh-D3


B12 and D3 deficiency

Hi, Recently I did full body checkup and found vitamin B12 and D3 deficiency in my report. Could you please suggest some suppliment.
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Gen D3 Intake

My father has thyroid and hypertension. Can he take Gen D3 medicine ? If Yes, please mention the frequency of intake .
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Vitamin D3 deficiency

In a blood test report it was shown that there is huge deficiency of vitamin D3 in my body. What specialist should I go to for consultation?
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Vitamin D3 oral solution

Doctor has prescribed Depura kids ( vitamin D3 oral solution) from birth up to what age should I continue the same. Please guide me.
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Vitamin d3 deficiency

I am having vit d3 deficiency. What problem i can face. Is there any correlation with weight gain. If it require further treatment.
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Does Ovign D3 cause bleeding

I went to doctor and found my endometrium is 10.3mm and doctor gave me Dronis 30 and Ovign D3. After taking ovign D3 with in 2 hours I start to bleed and stop after few hours. Is it due to this Ovign tablet or somewhere issue.
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Vit D3 deficient

I have found to be vit d3 deficient. The result value is 14.89 units. My doctor has prescribed me wal d3 tablet for 8 weeks. I feel pain in my back sometimes. Shall I take any other supplements along with this ?
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Advise for the consumption of d3 shots

I am advisee to take d3 shots of 60k at initial for 4 days Continous and then for once a week and rather reading it's review it seems like the daily dosage of d3 shots affects adversely what should I do wht kind of dosage should I follow ?
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Vitamin b12 d3 reports

Hi I had shared my vitamin b12 and d3 reports My age is 40 I feel lot of weeknes and back pain .. I walk more I feel tired a lot . Not feel to eat as well . Vitamin b12 is 81 Vitamin d3 is 7.75 Pls help..
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Vit d3 for 7 month old

My baby is 7 months old. During the last vaccination on 16th sep doctor suggested to give him d3 syrup. We have already given him d3 till 3 months when he was born. Is it advisable to give it again? He has not started teething yet. Is it normal or it should have come till now?
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