Recently Answered Questions on V-Parin


V as final it hing because of worms

My 21 month old daughter had worms problem which causes vaginal redness,itching,rasheed..After 5 days course of nizonide by pradesh she had again same problem within 15 days..Then lead gave bandh. Now after this course she is again complaing for vaginal itching but I found nothing ..And put clobenn -g and soliderm tube What it could be? Pls suggest
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V walls loose

My vagina is too loose .what are the ways to tighten it ? I am just 25 and this is affecting mine and my husbands life. And I have whitesh discharge with no pain . Please help
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Hair full front hair( V shape)

Front hair is loss no heredity today I will Consulting two doctor one doctor is suggesting this tablet "DUTAROST0. 5mg" 4 month use another doctor is suggesting "T FINABALD 2.5mg for 1month which suggestion is better
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One final question Dr. V. Mittal

At 24 it should stablise but i cant see well. There is some changes i m feeling. Thanks for earlier response.
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Skin rashes at v spot

I have skin rashes from last 20 days. The doctor gave me some medicine. Using that it cleared 70 persnet but now there is some littes spot like the rashes get divided and the outter line mark as well as some red spot are also. Which medicinne or cream shoud i use to clear this totally
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C V T during pregnancy

My wife previous 7 mounth pregnancy loss because during pregnancy blood clot (cortical venious thrombosis) may be in placenta and doctors say she is need a heparin (lmwh) injection per day two continue 9 month in next pregnancy but it is very painful so plz suggest doctor and any opetion and tritment I am stay in boisar bombay
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Lost my v..urge to pee

I'm 21 yr old girl my bf is 22 the last week we had sex for the first time in my life and ever since then I have noticed I have an urge to urinate alot... and its a very spontanious feeling. One minute ill be fine then i'll get the urge and i have to run to the bathroom like literally its like i cant hold it in. The only thing i can think is that possibly my body is confused and I have lost some muscle control down there? Is it normal? Should I see my Gyno about it
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To check v can have child

I amd my partner wants to know wether we can have child in our future. So let us know to whom we can Counsult and which test we should both undergo
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I feel my blood flowing in my left leg v

Hello doctor.. I was feeling week from 1 month and some abdominal pain so i took full bofy checkup as my physician suggested.. And then i got to know that i have severe vitamin d deficiency which is 10 only and b12 205.. And my uric acid was 10.. So my physician gave me meficine for uric acid.. And for b12 deficincy amd weekly capsule of vitamin d i am taking it from last 12 days.. But from 2 weeks in my left leg limb and behind the knee area i feel my vein blood moving.. I dont have any pain but i feel that leg a different from before... There is no swelling either... And mostly it disturbs me when i am lying down... I dont have problem walking climbing infact it becomes normal when i stand or climb... And i am very worried is this because of deficiency or what... Please guide me.. 🥺
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GA v Sedation

Is it more common to have a problem passing Urine after ENT surgery if you have had a GA rather than sedation?
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