Recently Answered Questions on V-Parin


Can I take Sputnik v vaccine

Can I take Sputnik vaccine as I have allergy from Asprin , cold air, cooking fume and dust. Please advise. Thanks
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He is ckd stage 5 patient and on dailysis twice in a week from oct 2020 but no any improvement shows. His body muscles decreases day by day and too much weekness in body. Apatite loss and body weight down from 65 kg to 55kg. Toilet and urine problem. Food is not digest and not wish to take food. And also suffering from hepatitis c. Hcv positive. And takes medicine for kidney and hepatitis c but no any improvements shows. Please suggest what to do go for allopathy or ayurveda Or anything else.
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Itching in v section

I m having itching in my private area from last 2 month. No pain can you suggest some oral cream or other remedy
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Vaniah v Baiju

She is having white lines on both the lips for last one month. There is neither pain nor itching. It is visible more when the lips are dry
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Mmr+v or mmrv

My son is 15 months old and is due for vaccines (mmr, varicella and pnumococcal vaccine booster). Earlier prevenar 13 was given at 6, 10 n 14 weeks. What should be given priorix or priorix tetra . And which prevenar should be given??
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Is v-tight gel works ??

M married and my husband doesn't feel any tightness and because of that he is loading intereste is there any solution to tighten Virginia
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Estrogen hormonal Treatment v

I want estrogen hormonal treatment . For m2f transformation . From ayurveda or homeopath from , Any female theorpist doctors .
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Ms Divya V

Rashes on my body from past 1 month and small white pimples all the face. Please suggest me doctor. .
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What is that result? of my trans V

The uterus is retroverted and measures 3.4 x 3.7x 3.7 cm the endometrium measures 0.43 cm the myometrical echopattern is homogenenous with regular contour no evidence of mass nor gestational sac the cervix measures 2.9 x 2.8 x 1.8 cm with a 0.9 cm cyst the right ovary measures 2.9 x 2.6 cm the left ovary measures 3.2 x 2.8 cm both sow multiple small cystic foci of less than 1.0 cm each no free fluid
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I had intercourse on Sunday and now my v

I had intercourse on Sunday and now my vagina is itchy and I think red it hurts when I pee I can’t go to the doctor csuse of my parents pls help
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