Recently Answered Questions on V-Parin


Piles very much paining everyday.tired v

I have piles from 6 25 yrs old female.i had seen my doctor and it seemed like the pain went away.but since last month.the pain jas returned.and i have to take painkillers.plz help
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Pimples near V area

I've been facing large pimples/acne on my vagina area. It's very painful and itches very much. Pls suggest how to handle this. Thanks
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Inverted nipples.bloody v

I am experiencing some kind of swelling in my belly. From 1-2 months. From past few days it has become worse. Also before my period I had bleeding in between ,little bit of bleeding every now and then. Now again I had bleeding half way my cycle and the blood was red in colour. My nipples have gone inverted too from 1-2 months. What shall I do. What could be the problem. Could I be pregnant? But I didn't missed any period too.
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Pregnacy v/s epilepsy

Hi My wife got pregnant recently, i think it might be 3 or 4 weeks since conception. She is on levipil 500 for controlling seizure/epilepsy. I wanted to know the drug interactions of levipil with other pregnancy medicines given to her at various stages of pregnancy. Is it safe to consume during and post pregnancy? And also if it will affect the growth of baby now or during breastfeeding? Please provide the solution. she is having a history of seizure attack once each in 2005,2010 and 2015. Please also advise on precautionary measures during pregnancy if she is on levipil 500. Is there anything to worry? Thanks
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V type hair fall

I'm 18 years old and having hair fall from both corners of my forehead just like salman khan has but there are some hairs its not completely bald but you can observe it from small distance I had read about propecia should I have to go for it or not?
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How to increase v B12 & its absorbption

Hello Doctor, Could you please help suggest a homeopathic medicine(s) to increase vitamin B12 levels. It is now 131 micro grams and generally stays on the lower side only however, I eat healthy vegan foods (I am a eggitarian) but somehow I feel the absorption is not happening. Also, I experience gas, acidity and bloated frequently. Whenever I eat something it feels like gas has started forming and stomach feels bloated. Also, in the morning I do not feel urge to go for potty naturally instead I have to first take warm water and then urge starts. Please help.
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Last 3,4 days there is tingling pain sensation in my right leg . I am a  vegetarian . I went to a physician he did CBC test. My HGB level is 10.7 g /dl. The tingling pain increases when I wake up from bed and after few minutes...I feel little relaxed while walking but not completely...DOCTOR prescribed me VB12 injection...and multivitamin tablets... What can I do ? I have no other symptoms except the tingling sensation.. Is there any other problem with it?
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@ Dr Sivabal V kindly check

Dear doctor as you said i have attached clear ECG picture of my kindly read an let me know any abnormalities ya skipped heart beat ya Any Rhythm ECG i made 2 pictures to get clear picture thank you
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Subbarao S V

Suffering from Fever, temparature 100 Suffering from Fever, temparature 100 Suffering from Fever, .
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Leg pain v

I wanted to consult for variscose veins please any doctor can help us? Please ggvvcccccccccccccccccc
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