Recently Answered Questions on Tryptomer


Headache in back side

I am suffering from headache from last 2 months, I have consulted to neurologist as well and am taking medicines as well( tryptomer and rejunex cd3). And am doing some yoga n exercise also, but still in pain. I have pain on back side of my head and neck , so m not able to move my head. this pain starts after sleeping and then it remains for prolonged hours.
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Insomnia, Weight Issue

I was previously diagnosed with OCD and bi polar. But have come out of it. I'm on prescription for Qutipin 100 mg and Tryptomer as I do not get sleep at all for days together if im not on meds. And because of Quitipin I have gained 20kgs. Please suggest what can be done to reduce the weight and get sleep as leaving the medication will just stop me from getting any sleep literally.
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Getting pain in left head

Hi, He is getting pain in left side head and it's coming down to ear and covering almost the left side face as well. Neurologist suggested us for the MRI,CBP and thyroid test but everything is normal. Finally he has given migrane tablet named as Tryptomer 100 mg. He is taking continuously from 1 week but no relief.
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I am taking depran 10 since last 14 2002 I have depression Dr prescribed me to take depran but today its not working properly ,Dr advise me to take depran 10 along with tryptomer 5 ,is it safe for me is it any side effect regarding sexual life pls Dr suggest me what 2 do ,
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Issue related to medication prescribed

Hi my name is arindam dutta. From last year I was having swallowing problem. My throat was hurting while swallowing food. Then I consulted a gastroenterologist he suggested me to do an endoscopy and I did. But he told that the reports are normal and gave me some medication for 3 months and told to consult again after 3months. Then after three months I went back he told me that there is no problem with u, you are just taking too much tension and prescribed me to take Rabsig 20, Ganaton twice daily and Tryptomer and also to take 6 mectin plus injection once a week I felt a bit better. Then again after 3 months I went back and this time he prescribed me to continue Rabsig 20, Ganaton once daily, Tryptomer once, Mirtaz 7.5 during bedtime at time, and to take Mectin plus injections once every month for six months and consult again after six months but Tryptomer and Mirtaz makes me so sleepy and my mouth and throat goes dry. Thes two are anti depressent Meds. Is my doc giving correct meds.??
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Reduction in medicines gradually

I HV been taking Concur 5 Menovus D Tryptomer 10 mg For General Anxiety Disorder Depression And Palpitaions For Almost A year Now I want to gradually reduce the intake of Medicines My Docter previously said that we will reduce it gradually as I am feeling better. But I could not Consult My docter as I got Transferred Pls Suggest
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Is it safe to take below medicine togeth

Is it safe to take - Montec lc (0-0-1) Paracitamol (1-1-1) Tryptomer 10(Exiting 0-0-1) Metolar xr12.5(Existing 1-0-0) Together?
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Irritable bowel syndrome diarrhea

My gastroenterologist prescribed Libotryp ds fod irritable bowel syndrome diarrhea and working well now he prescribed tryptomer 25mg but result is not same. shall i ask Dr to prescribe libotryp ds again? how long can I take libotryp ds i have taken for 5months
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Bedwetting many times at neight & psychi

My son's problem is  urin come many times (app.10/15 minutes apart & bedwetting every day) & Psychiatry  problem is he told that chest hot many times. the medicine for 9 years old boy Tab Tryptomer 10 mg & Addwize 10 mg. Can be taken in same day.
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Swelling in wisdom tooth area

Hello doctor. Since yesterday there is swelling in my wisdom tooth area ( left side downward). It is also paining and I am unable to chew anything from both the sides because of the swelling and pain. Please suggest the treatment. FYI- I am also on migraine medication ( topaz 25 mg tryptomer 10 mg remylin D and stugeron)
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