Recently Answered Questions on Tryptomer


Headach and mood off

Sir hear a doctor cunsult to take daily tryptomer 25mg tab and when i get headach when aceflam tab...They are saiying taking this tablets contineously...Also i am not pefect in my lifestyle... Pls help me for heathy and happy life pls pls pls i am so suffuring from headach and stress
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Issue related to medication prescribed

Hi my name is arindam dutta. From last year I was having swallowing problem. My throat was hurting while swallowing food. Then I consulted a gastroenterologist he suggested me to do an endoscopy and I did. But he told that the reports are normal and gave me some medication for 3 months and told to consult again after 3months. Then after three months I went back he told me that there is no problem with u, you are just taking too much tension and prescribed me to take Rabsig 20, Ganaton twice daily and Tryptomer and also to take 6 mectin plus injection once a week I felt a bit better. Then again after 3 months I went back and this time he prescribed me to continue Rabsig 20, Ganaton once daily, Tryptomer once, Mirtaz 7.5 during bedtime at time, and to take Mectin plus injections once every month for six months and consult again after six months but Tryptomer and Mirtaz makes me so sleepy and my mouth and throat goes dry. Thes two are anti depressent Meds. Is my doc giving correct meds.??
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Drowsiness and blurred vision

I have been taking Lonazep.0.5 and tryptomer 25 after dinner for anxiety and sleep disorder. I feel Drowsiness and blurred vision throughout the day hence not able to concentrate. I am unemployed currently and preparing for interviews hence bit difficult for me to concentrate. any other way to reduce anxiety and improve sleep?
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Anxiety and muscle pain whole body

I am having muscle pain since couple of days. I am on medication for anxiety disorder. 1. paxep 25 2. tryptomer 10 3. D ventodep xr 50 4. lonazep 0.5 all after dinner. is this muscle pain associated with anxiety? kindly advise
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Understanding disorder

I am taking migraine meds from past 2years still its get trigger quite oftenly past few months i am having difficulty of understanding while speaking and watching anything i feel like i am stucked at something then rewinding it until in gets it while i am doin it consciously this is making me more anxious on day to day basis initially i thought its because of sleeping disorder so have started taking tryptomer 10mg after asking my nuerologist but now i am panicking more can anyone suggest what to do or whom to consult.
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Migraine + Pain on left Side of the body

Migraine in the left side, Pain in the left side of body, for e.g. experience pain while moving hand backwards in shoulder (left side), pain in hips while moving leg backside, pain in left finger of hands) , I take T-migrest for Migraine pain occasionally.. i take Tryptomer for anxiety.. please suggest tests , medicines and way forward... Thanks
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Anxiety, Low energy levels etc.

I wanted a prescription for tryptomer 10mg. I used to take it on a regular basis 2 years ago. Looking for the same medicine as I did not face any side effects. It suited me very well. This mainly for Anxiety, Feeling of restlessness, low energy levels, restlessness while sleeping.
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Headache, dizziness,Palpitation

Dear Doctor, I was suffering from headache(mostly one sided),palpitation and dizziness from few weeks. Doctor prescribed me Ciplar LA-40 mg,Tryptomer-10 mg, Flunarin-10 mg (All are OD). After taking these medicine 3 weeks now i am fine. Should i continue these medicine or not. If i continue, then these medicine have any side effect or not ?
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I m patient of R L S AND MIGRAINE from

1 premipax .05 2 times daily 2 tryptomer 25mg 2times DAILY I want to leave medicines wht your opinion Pls change my medicines. That make me slow From last more than a year can i stop taking.. OR SUGEST ME SOME ENERGY-EFFICIENT MEDICINES
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Pins needles and burning in whole body

I am feeling burning sensation and pins needles in my whole body including head since two months. I have done B12, CBC, LFT, KFT but all are normal. I m taking Pregabalin M 75 and Tryptomer 25 since 1 months but not yet relief.
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