Recently Answered Questions on Tryptomer


Migraine (medicine addict

My mother is taking librium ten , sibelium ten, tryptomer 25 for migraine on daily basis she also uses ciplar 10 for bp and cyra 20mg before breakfast the chemist told me that daily uses of these medicines r not good n she will become addicted to it is it true ? if yes then whats the alternative ?
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Depression anxiety dsordr

Dr I m taking zaptra 25 along with tryptomer 10.I want to know is there any side effect regarding sex or difficulty of erriction ,I m taking this med since 1 month,before this I ll take depran 10 .since last 12 yrs .Dr stop depran 10 and gave me zaptra and tryptomer.pls Dr suggest me as same thnkng u
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High heart rate

Hi, I'm on a medication for the past 2 years on tryptomer 10 mg and ciplar la 40, for the past 6 months my neurologist asked to change the medicine as I was not responding good on those and gave me tryptomer 25mg and dicorate er 500. these were for migraine and sensation in head. I'm feeling 75% better now wit these medicines and MRI was normal always. for the past 3-4 months I'm feeling fast heart rate resting rate 120 and met a cardiologist who asked for 3 tests ecg, echocardiography and volter. ecg shows sinus tachycardia volter shows high heart rate echo seems to be normal. attached the report, what could be the reason? are medicine tryptomer 25mg amd doctorate er 500 is the reason? I'm also having gerd for which i take some ayurvedic medicine. pfa reports and let me know is this something serious?
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I have been having anxiety and rapid pulse rate issues. My ECG is normal. My doctor had prescribed me Nexito Plus (Clonazepam+Escitalopram) but it made me felt drowsy so, the doctor asked me stop the same and prescribed me Tryptomer 10mg. Is Amitriptylline a better drug in such cases and does it not make a patient feel drowsy?
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Insomnia In Dialysis Patient

Can Tryptomer 10 mg be given to a 67 years CKD patient on dialysis with recent onset of insomnia considering his BP medications of Arkamin 0.1 mg ( 3 times), Nicardia ( 2 times) & Isolazine ( 1 time) a day. Any interactions needs to worried ?
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Insomnia since 2 weeks

I have diagnosed with MDD taken Tab Tryptomer 75 mg and decreased dose as for my doctor advice( 2 years).so now medication stopped since 3 months.although I have sleep disturbance not getting enough I have consulted and doctor prescribed me clonazepam 0.25mg for 7 days and half of that for 7 days then clonazepam normalize sleep problem.
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Anxiety feels

Is anxity cause swaying/rocking and dizzy 24/7 and I am experiencing this I done my mri brain and ecg all are normal and I went ro ent doctor he done vng and said u have anxiety he given me a tryptomer 10mg for for 90 days pls tell me is this really cause this Problem and how many days took for recovery
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Pppd symptoms

I diagnosed with pppd(Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness)and I done all my vng and mri brain which is normal I am experiencing dizzy with my body movements and swaying feeling 24\7 and doctors has given me a tryptomer 10mg for60days pls tell me how many days took for recovery
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Vestibule migraine

I recently diagnosed with vestibule migraine I am experiencing 1sec dizzy spells when sudden change in head position and swaying/rocking problem and wobbly sensation 24*7 and doctors has given me a tryptomer 10mg for 60days pls tell me how many days took to recovery from my symptoms
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Vestibule migraine

I am recently diagnosed with vestibule migraine I am experiencing dizziness and swaying/rocking sensation 24|7 and some times wobbly sensation also looking like I lost control on my body doctor has given me a tryptomer 10mg for 60dyas pls tell me how many days took to recovery from this
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