Recently Answered Questions on TRI-OLMECULE


Spotting while on tri nessa birth contro

Last Saturday and Sunday I had some light spotting. Idk wether or not to stop my birth control or keep using it. I would have asked my gyno but the office currently closed.
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Hiv Tri dot negative conclusive

I did protected sex with call girl four years back. after seven days I got fever sevre fatigue body pains. I have been tested negative for fours years in rapid tests and Elisa western blot. I got married recently after first night my showing same symptoms. please help me. IAM in depression.
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G. Cholestrol, tri glyc. Slight variaton

Done done tests kft,lft, lipid profile, sugar haemogram. BP for d last few days is 140/70, 136/86, 160/100 Kindly advice Can i mail the reports.
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HDL 32mg/dl LDL 153, Tri 104, Total 201

I'm following a low carb,high fat and protein diet for more than 2 weeks for fat loss. Height 168cm & weight 73kg. I got my lipid profile test to be abnormal falling in borderline high. Is this normal in ketosis type of diet? Or should I consult a doctor ? Thank you.
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Taking supplements with birth control

Can i take demograss classic while on ortho tri cyclen? Or will it affect me in an adverse fashion?
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Itchy nose not able to sleep

I am in my first tri and am experiencing itchy nose only during the night that prevents me from having good sleep. Please advise
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Test for hiv

Is tri dot test for hiv status reliable. Are other tests necessary after negative result in tri dot test?
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Hiv detection

After an exposure how many days check hiv status, and after that its negative, then repeat test be need or not. Tri-dot kit can be trustable or not.
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Skin problem

I already suggest doctor for my problem she prescribed tri o bloc cream for it...but there is no improvement i you suggest something better than that plz?
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Is anal sex safe?

I wanna know is anal sex is safe since my partner wants to tri it i just want to make sure if its safe or not or can it be safe
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