Recently Answered Questions on TRI-OLMECULE


Regarding Tri - Dot Test

I have made a tri-dot test after 8months of contact with a women made sex with her using condom only but i have a doubt if it is worn out. after that i made a forplay with another women after two months from that day to today 6months completed i made a test in that test i got NON-REACTIVE . Is it enough can i be free minded from right now other wise i have to make a test again. is there any chances of getting HIV/ADIS. please solve my query and make me happy thanks in advance
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Tri dot after one year

I have participated intercourse witha csw on June 2021 that time my condom got splitted.after that no possible exposure. I have taken tridot test in June 2022 approximately after a year. Result came non reactive on both tri dot and Elisa method. Is it conclusive or do I need to go for further tests?
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Hiv tri dot negative

I got tested HIV tri dot and Rapid both are negative after 120 days of tattoo exposure. Do I need to worry, or need to get tested. ?
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Tri Cyclic Antidepressent vs SSRI

Under which Circumstances Doctor prescribes SSRI and Under which circumstances Doctor prescribe Tri Cyclic Antidepressent ? I have a follow up question for the above as well. There are various SSRI in the market like Fluxotine , Fluvoximin , Paroxetin , Escitalopram etc . But how do Doctor choose one over the other ? I have same question for Tri Cyclic Antidepressent as well. There are Tri Cyclic antidepressent like Amitriptylin , Nortriptyline , Clomipramine etc. Under which circumstances Doctor choose one over the other ?
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Is tri dot test relaiable

I had unprotected sex with some one which i was not suppose to on 12 th july 2019 . I got my tri dot test done on 19th sep 2019 which shows iam negative should i be rest assured on those test or is there any thing i need to do more .. currently iam under treatement for some infection and inflamations in my testicle and my gyno says that is due to unprotected sex but nothing to worry it is curable . Still i carried out this tri dot test in one of the lab and found it that hiv negative still iam in deep worry.
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Hiv tri dot test accuracy

I had a tri dot test after 1 year of exposure which is negative and at that time I am on medication of filariasis treatment for swollen testicle  medicines are dec 100 mg and buscopan and some gastric medication is test result are accurate that I am negative
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Hiv Tri dot negative after four years

I had protected sex with a call girl four years ago. after seven days I got fever, head ache, severe fatigue. I got tested negative in Elisa and western blot test after 120 days. then after four years I got tested in government hospital Tri dot test negative. now I got married after first night my wife showing same symptoms iam in depressed please help me. need to know what is the reason.
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Tri dot test accuracy after 1 year

I had gone through the tri dot test which is negative at 6 months and 1 year but I am on medication of dec 100 mg and gastric medication lesurude and nexpro 40 Nd anti depressant tablets which is amtriplyine hydrochloride came negative is it was accurate? Should I retest again? It has been almost 6 years ago
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Hiv tri dot test 1 year accurate

I had tri dot test after 1 year of exposure and it was negative i was on medication at that of filariasis treatment medicines are dec 100 mg the results were accurate or not ?
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Hiv fear and accuracy of tri dot test

I had protected sex with prostitute on 2015 June and I had hiv tri dot test was negative for 1 month and next for two months tridot test is negative and third month I had visited the ictc And get test done there it was negative And 6 th month I had done tri dot test which is negative at that I am having jaundice and in the month of May 2016 I had swollen testicle doctor said to scan I scanned he given the dec 100 mg tablets and buscopan and gastric medication for 3 months. And in the month of June 2016 i jad A tridot test which is negative which is exactly 1 year after exposure i am on medication and recently i searched in net that there is relation between hiv and filariasis is std or Sti? And tri dot test is accurate or not whether I am negative or not please say me i am in confused state that test was accurate or not
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