Recently Answered Questions on TRI-OLMECULE


1st Pregnancy

Hello Doctor She is in her 1st tri month of pregnancy. Before she was going to doctor for check up everything was fine with her,but after check up and taking medicine she is suffering in cold and fever(98.9f). What to do plz suggest.
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Hiv related

I have Elisa test as reactive and tri dot rapid card as Weak Reactive ...What's the meaning of this!!
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Melasma Problem

Hello Doctor, I am facing skin melasma problem. Please suggest me which cream is better Lumacip plus or Tri Luma
697 Views hidden

Hiv detection

After an exposure how many days check hiv status, and after that its negative, then repeat test be need or not. Tri-dot kit can be trustable or not.
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Skin problem

I already suggest doctor for my problem she prescribed tri o bloc cream for it...but there is no improvement i you suggest something better than that plz?
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Is anal sex safe?

I wanna know is anal sex is safe since my partner wants to tri it i just want to make sure if its safe or not or can it be safe
25143 Views hidden

Hiv test method

Tri dott or elisa method which is true for hiv screening and what is the difference b/w the method of two?
3283 Views hidden

I am suffering from weight gain

I am suffering from heavy weight gain please suggest me what is the cause ,I have done thyroid test Here the results Tri-iodo thyronin T3 is 119.74 Tyroxin T4 is 8.00 TSH 2.599
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CMIA Test Reliability?

How accurate are HIV Tri Dot Test and CMIA test after 24 days and 114 days respectively of exposure ? Both the tests were negative ?
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I am Pregnant

I am pregnant.almost nearing 1st tri semester on 26th Oct.severe left side head ache wat to do.please guide me.
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