Recently Answered Questions on TM(GODDRES)


Prepone periods

I got my periods last month on 4 Dec n I alwys gt my period 1 week prior frm d date...I vl b travelling to rajasthan at d end of dis mnth n I vl gt my periods mostly at dat tm only...I dnt wnt to spoil my trip as I gt lot stomach pain during dat tm...can I prepone my period so dat I cn gt my period early n I cn njoy...
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Ear Fullness and Retracted Tympanic memb

On 11 Feb, I had a severe cough and a cold. My right ear felt so congested and fullness . I went to ENT specialists, she said you don't have impacted wax, it's just retracted TM . She prescribed me Augmentin for 7 days, otrivin nasal decongestant, montair FX, betadine gargle and steam . But nothing seemed to be helping. I am still having the same Fullness, it has subsided a little though. But sometimes it feels so heavy on the right ear
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Doubts Change in bp medication

I am hypertensive since 8yrs.was taking amlodipine 5mg. Due to high bp ranging between 140-150/90-100 pulse 100-110bpm my medication was changed to embeta tm (telmisartan 40mg + metoprolol 50mg)Now my Bp comes around 130/90 but pulse it reduced to this fine??
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Lft test show this result

Sir मैने lft टेस्ट कराया है जिसमें bilirubin 1.20.,sgpt 124.6,sgot 86 है मैं bp की मेडिशन embeta tm 50लेता हू। क्या यह दवाई से सही होगा या स्वयं ही सही भोजन लेने पर सही होगा।
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Pregnancy( nutrition supplements)

Hello doc, Im planning for a baby .I tried once naturally but didn't conceive.. I'm planning to go fr a weight loss program in which they r suggesting good diet plan with nutralite nutrition supplements fr few 2-3 months...but at the same tm doc may start the treatment to is it recommended to tk tha nutrition supplements while going through the will create any conflict???or side-effects..
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Chest tightness and shortness of breath

So it's been some time now. I've been feeling some heaviness and tightness in chest. Although I don't feel it everyday. It comes and goes. And I notice tm there's been slight breathing problem. Feels like I can't complete one breath. If I focus on it more, it goes more bad. But again it comes and goes. Yesterday there was a little pain in the left side. I don't know what it is. I'm concerned and it gives me anxiety which doesn't help. 21 years old male
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Unstable bite & contracted muscles (Tmd)

Even though my braces phase is going on for my tmj problem but even now I feel my right sided facial muscles are contracted (I feel this through my massage)...Also I feel my bite is unstable, unbalanced and not properly fitted. My braces phase is almost finished.... But I feel this. Is it normal to experience such observations? What should I do for my tight /contracted muscles and unstable bite? I don't feel any such pain from my tm joint and no clicking /popping. How to judge whether my tmj problem is joint related or muscle related? Please help....
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Ear Problem

These problems in Ear 1. COM(R) Squamous Inactive, 2. TM sitting on stapes head, 3. Incus not seen, 4. Scutum eroded. what should i do for above these problems i am doing prepration for Border road organization and how can i fit from above these problems. During test my both Tympanic Membrane intact and tympanometry test is normal with Audiometry. Sir please give some suggestions ???
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Tmj problem

Hi, how can the arthritis on one side & disc displacement on one side of TM joint can be treated, there is no pain but airway is getting smaller , thorat is tighter & difficulty swallowing , ear is getting pulled on disc displacement side. Also undergoing braces treatment , but has bounded only upper braces since the current dentist has been only asking to wait & problem is getting worst than before. Will orthotics or splint help ? What would be the cost of treatment? Thanks.
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Eye pressure c/o glaucoma

SIr Doctor Sir I have family history of Glaucoma . I have also been diagnose with Pressure in RIGHT eye . for that I am taking BIMAT-LS-TM by Ajanta.but a week before when i check my pressure it was 25 then doctor advised me to switch to LATANOPROST RT. Today after 10 days when i checked in morning its is 24.5 means pressure is not decreasing. she was concerned and has added Iotim . My querry is - Why Pressure after continued use , is not decreasing.
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