Recently Answered Questions on TM(GODDRES)


BP problems

Sir my BP in left arm is high than right arm my ECG eco is normal no sugar colstrol . CT engioraphy is normal.only TMT mieldy positive . I am taking BP medicine embeta TM 50/40 daily twice .left arm BP bothering me suggest me about this.
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Multiple calcifctn grnlma calcli in gall

My wife have multiple stone in gall bladder adema on walls of gall blader and multiple calcification granuluma in right lobe of liver Fatty liver she have and she feel little pain sm tm in right sd of abdoman and at below right soldier Telle remedy
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Ear ache in right side

I have recurrent pain in my right side ear ...i alrdy went consult a doctor he said just wax only block in tm nothing problem...they done flush the water...that time not have an few days i have pain...during swallowng have not pain...plz sir can you prefer any drops...they prefer nose drops ...
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Slow Growth, CBC/ELECTROPHORESIS results

2.5 yrs, Plz feedback result COMPLETE BLOOD COUNT (CBC): Hemoglobin 9.40 g/dL (11-14) Packed Cell Volume (PCV) 31.30% (34-40) RBC Count 4.88 MM (4-5.2) MCV 64.10 fL (75-87) MCH 19.30 pg (24-30) MCHC 30.00 g/dL (31 - 37) Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) 17.20% (11.50-14.50) Total Leukocyte Count (TLC) 9.72 TM (5-15) Differential Leucocyte Count (DLC) Segmented Neutrophils 31.00% Lymphocytes 57.80% Monocytes 7.60% Eosinophils 3.20% Basophils 0.40% Absolute Leucocyte Count Neutrophils 3.01 TM (1.50-8) Lymphocytes 5.62 TM (6-9) Monocytes 0.74 TM (0.2-1) Eosinophils 0.31 TM (0.1-1) Basophils 0.04 TM (0.01-0.10) Platelet Count 486.0 TM (150-490) ELECTROPHORESIS: Hb F <1.00% (<1.50) Peak 2 4.00% (<9.60) Hb Adult 87.10% (83.24-90.79) Hb A2 2.40% (1.50-3.50) Others (Non Specific) 6.00% (<10.00) Hemoglobin 9.50 g/dL (11-14) RBC Count 5.03 MM (4-5.20) Packed Cell Volume (PCV) 33.30% (34-40) MCV 66.20 fL (75-87) MCH 18.90 pg (24-30) RDW 18.00% (11.5-14.5) Ref in () thou/mm3 : TM mill/mm3 : MM
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Nerve pain

Hi... I wrote earlier reg my prob..which is burning and itching sensation on right side of my scar... It intiated as a result of my OCD with my facial symmetry. Previously i was advised may be it is becoz of TM joint as i used to twist my jaw. i was recommended in procto query to chek if thats pain is becoz of tm joint or skin infection. I checked on both and nighter i think is responsible fr it. I feel its a neurological thing. I have burning and itching sendsation with changing intensity of pain. its troubling me since 2012...Please resuggest what will be best cure for it.
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Asking about medicine brand

Sir one doctor has prescribed cilacar t 10+40 tablet twice but one doctor told not take high strength tablet two time so he prescribed clindinol 10 in morning and in evening cilinidinol tm 10+40 sir is this cilinidinol medicine is generic or branded it is of knoll health care one physician in local told it is generic so my father has stopped it and now taking stamlo t dr ready once a day
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Regarding burps and pain in chest

My mother is suffering from arthritis high BP and thyroid. Embeta tm 25 is prescribed for high BP. Calgcal and lefno 20 is prescribed for arthritis. And thyronorm 50 is prescribed for thyroid. However from last 1 month pain in chest and continuous burps have been complained by her. Stress echo report is negative which is tested last month. What further we have to do if none medicine is working??
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Heart problems

An accident happened some days before.steiches in mouth.but now recovering.i have hipertention and take medicine.properly.tmt mieldy positive but ECG .eco . CT engioraphy are I have pressure in chest bp is150/90 . tiered ness in legs weakness. What should I do? At this time I take rest. medicine are embeta TM 50 and ecosprin av75.pain kealer amoxicillin and pottesium.
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Recurring specimen-proven fungal ear inf

2017 Aspergillus ear infection was treated x9 months with varying (wrong) antibiotics until specialist + Rx itraconazole healed a 25% TM hole to pinpoint. Same condition now: itching, draining, pain, etc. Specialist, 4 hours one way, cannot see me x10 days, cannot prescribe till seen, of course. Meantime ideas? Prep H? Monistat? Other?
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Pregnency problem

I am 22 weeks pregnent my placent is low 1.6mm..som time i am getting cline water discharge is it normal...or mostly in i got more cmpr to other pain no milky white it is cline or water color and no smell.and some tm i feelng water is comng but when i touch vigina it is not coming pls gv me ans...
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