Recently Answered Questions on TM(GODDRES)


Tinnitus help!! I sus, allergy/infection

I am facing tinnitus since a year, i have done all tests, i have got no hearing loss. I got checked with otoscope, the TM looks dull. I have been prescribed steroids, vit b injectns, ginko, multivitamins, even nootropics. Nothing seems to work. I had brain mri, it ws fine. Symptoms i have now is tinnitus is left side 24*7 and after the initial onset of tinnitus on left side, my right is also somehow affected. Also sometimes i get a huge T spike like a whoosh/9k freq tone and that side of head and till middle body feels like collapsing(feeling in nerves usually, bt no sense loss). I also get rashes in body, hives also some unexplained ulcers in arms(attached pics), I have read a T success story who also was having similar symps, and he had been diagnosed with Candidiasis, for which 2 weeks course of nyacin helped. I do have itchy soreness in upper part of ear canal. Can it be fungal? How to diagnose this, please help me! I just want to get to the root of dis and get T free :(. Help me!
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Fatty liver grade 2

I have fatty liver mildy enlarge in size 15.00 cm and my fibroscan report has e(kpa) 7.1, IQR 0.9, IQR/med 13% , cap 286 And IQR 46. My lipid profile Is, total cholesterol 198 Mg, triglycerides 236 mg, HDL Cholesterol 40mg, non HDL Cholesterol 158 Mg, LDL Cholesterol 130 mg, Atherosclerosis index 5. I'm doing liver function test twice 1st time my ast 50 U/L And alt 87 U/L 2nd time test results ast 28 U/L and alt 32 U/L is it good for me??? And doctors advice me some medicine like Evoin 400mg, Ursocol 300mg, Hepamerz tm 150+100mg, rosuva 5mg. Now I want to know I continue this medicine or not ??? And what I do in my Daily routine.
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Severe restlessness

1month ago I had severe restlessness.I  went physician hetold me for blod ,urine test.In report al was ok so he told me to take iron nd vit d tablet. And said me to visit Psychiatrist. I then visited Pyschetrist he advised me to take Tetrafol 7.5mg ,Nexito 5mg  with beucosule tablet. I took all  for 3 weeks but no any changes in my problem . then visited another pyschetrist he advised me to stop nexito and add tb serta50mg..she said me to take first 2day .25 mg of Serta and from 3rd day to take ful dos of 50mg Serta... I took serta on1st day (25mg) same night again suicidal thoughts came in my mind and lots of restlessness .Nxt morning I told her all , c said to get hospitalized for safety reasons. Nextday I went to hospital and 1new psychetrist met  me .I advised me to stop all medicine and take tab etizola 0.5 in morng and tab mirtaz7.5 in night but still no change in restlessness nd suicidal thought .pls help. I Also talking pychologist help for some tm . I hve 9 mnt baby nd I feed.
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क्या यह ह्रदय रोग है?

सर मई में मुझे 3 घंटे काम करने पर थकान लगी। मुझे बी पी की समस्या है अतः दवाई embeta tm 50/40 लेता हूँ। ecg ,eco ,ct enjeoraphy सब नॉर्मल है । केवल tmt मे mieldly positive आया है। शुगर कॉलस्ट्रॉल नही है क्या पुनः कोई test करना है और कब । कभी कभी चेहरे पर गर्मी का अनुभव होता है तथा ठण्ड भी आज कल अधिक लगती है। वजन भी बढ़ रहा है क्या कोई excercise की जा सकती है। मेरी आयु 54 बरस है।
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